Silent Hill Easter Egg - Writing in Blood

The first little kid you come across in the school is special. Walk until you can see him, then exit the door you came in. Repeat this one more time. The third time you enter, kill him and blood will splatter on the screen saying Mizuno. One of the game designers' last names.

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 70 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-12-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: N/A
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Jared writes:
This didnt work for me. Which door are you talking about? The first kid I see in the school is in the courtyard on the right side of the walkway. Is this who your talking about? do you have to be in a specific difficulty level? I did this on the hard setting I think. Does anyone know what Im doing wrong? -Jared
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Pr3d4t0r writes:
Are you talking about the ghost kids that disappear when you normally shoot them? the ones that you can only see sometimes and that disappear if you get to close?
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Trp writes:
Those ghost kids are cool, I ran over one and it squeaked at me.
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Ancisace writes:
There are apparently two versions of the game. In one of them there is a bit where you go into the school. If you follow this girl, you get game over. You can tell which version you have by looking at the mosters in the school. If they are grey, then you should see the girl. If the monsters are yellow/brown, and have claws, then you will not see the girl.
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TED writes:
This is a funny eegg to see in a video game.
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MIdAS writes:
The NTSC (American and Japanese) game has it as the kids are skinless The PAL (European and Australian) version does not as the kids are hairy due to censorship.
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