Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Easter Egg - ETs in Senate Hearing

During the senate hearing, look over the queen's shoulder at the bottom left of the screen. There will be a group of 4 or 5 E.T.'s sitting together. Also, look in the background, and you will see images of them scattered throughout.

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  7.1/10 with 565 votes
Contributed By: Kirk Allen Evans on 07-25-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
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e.t. nd his friends at the senate
e.t. nd his friends at the senate

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josh writes:
I saw the ET's without looking here first, me and my dad were arguing over if it was really Et's or not, but it is amazingly clear, when the senate is yelling "vote now" it shows a screen of them, three of them i believe, Steve spielberg (E.T.) and george lucas have worked together b4 (indiana jones) and it appears E.T. was liscened for a cameo in the phantom menace
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LinuxKind writes:
The species is a Momaw Nodan Hammerhead . I just don't know if that is how you spell it.
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Rob writes:
This is true you can check here is you like: This is official
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Millsy99 writes:
Those are E.T.s--it was in Entertainment Weekly. It was put in as an homage to Steven Spielberg, according to Lucas.
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Personally I don't really care what anybody thinks, but those ET's are definetly ET's - no doubt about it
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From the official site: "Members of an exotic (yet strangely familiar[see below]) alien species add their voices from their platform in the Senate Rotunda on Coruscant." Yet strangely familiar... yes, because it's ET!! That's what the "strangely familiar" comment means.
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rangeviper writes:
Of course it's E.T. Whoever said it was some other species has no clue what they're talking about. George Lucas put then in there as homage to Steven Spielberg.
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kaliman writes:
Again, "Hammerhead" is actually a "Ithorian" called "Momaw Nadon". Ithorians are in the senate ( Ithorians ) . And ET's are also on the senate as a totally different species ( ET's ).
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Animal 56 writes:
As well, a recent issue of Star Wars Insider (#48) shows that it is definitely E.T. and friends. In that same issue, they provide more Eggs to look for. Apparently there are thousands in the entire series of movies, so expect many more.
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Ehfevex writes:
Hey LinuxKind, hammerheadsare completely different looking than what you SAY they are in the senate. The hammerheads don't look anything like Et.
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john pepper writes:
hey animal 56 can u please tell us what the eggs are P.S. Ehfevex is right the hammerheads look nothing like ET
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Hazard Edge writes:
Hey people, I'm a 20 year old guy that agrees with you, that was the ET species, but I also have a question. When I was a little git, I remember VERY vagely that they did a cameo also in another movie. It was about guy that had a necklace that turned him turned into a monster that had like, a machine gun for an arm and in the end the ETs came to scoop him away or something like that. Do I ring a bell, or am I just deranged?
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DWP2ND writes:
The et's are real
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DiscoStu writes:
There's a Wookie delegation in there somewhere too
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They ARE little ET's....just called something else for the movie.
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Killman writes:
To add a little info to Millsy99's comments way up there referring to the EW (Entertainment weekly)article. I too remembered the issue and dug through an old pile of magz. Issue #536 April, 2000, featuring Natalie Portman on the cover. An article titled Phantom Secrets Revealed briefly mentioned the above discussion on the E.T egg on page 36. It is actually a trio of E.T's in the Galatic Senate scene. It goes on to say that these are the same three used in a Progressive Auto Insurance commercial during that years Super Bowl. I'm looking at the pic. right now and they seem to be from the same species of E.T, but not E.T himself. This egg is there just look for it!
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Jack of Evil writes:
Hazard Edge, you are not crazy. You and I are the only people who waste our precious mental disk space remembering the movie "Laserblast". So, now that you all tremble before the collective might of the memories of such as Hazard Edge and myself, be rest assured they are are, indeed, E.T.'s. So be it.
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Cammel2000 writes:
They are ETs. Lucas and Speilberg are good friends. Look out for hyrogliphs containing pictures of R2D2 in one of the indiana jones films. I forget which. There are loads more of these cross-references in Lucas' and Speilbergs films.
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madmax2166 writes:
Just thought I would add a little to this discussion. In the film E.T., E.T. was in the boys bedroom and pointed at a Yoda doll/toy thing. So Lucas is returning the favor.
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stuckey writes:
Okay, the guy in the movie was called E.T. on earth because he was an extra terrestrial (sp). It never mentioned what he or his species were really called. So it is definitely possible that E.T. was a variation of the hammerhead species (they look kind of alike). Either way, those were definitely ET's in the booth, and they were put in there as a definite egg.
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thedoctor writes:
The link to the ET picture is actually this The other link is either completely wrong was correct when the picture was first posted but is no longer correct
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Darth Anikan writes:
Or MAYBE this was a slip up of the Yoda Race, George forgot the ears! (Yes, that is what i do with time!)
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Marbles writes:
This doesn't relate totally to the ET thing, but it is related in a way... Obviously Lucas padded his movie with images from other Science-Fiction films, it makes the world more lush and offers a layer of realism that creating all new aliens for would not have. I just want to add some more aliens from other science-fiction films that I noticed that were not listed (and I can't get this site to approve as being eggs). First, when Sebulba is preparing for the podrace his pit crew is made up of 2 blue fleshed females with long tentacle/dread/appendages coming off of their heads. They resemble the Opera Diva in The Fifth Element. Second, in the Jedi Council, one of the members, I believe he was sitting to Mace Windu's left, with the tall head with ridges and the white beard, he is the Emperor from The Never-ending Story.
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Mark writes:
Just to add to the doctor's comment, not only the page iscorrect, but if you look at the title of the page it's "Phone Home". Pretty obvious, huh?
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The E.T.s are there because they belong in Star Wars. Remember in E.T. when the kids walk by someone dressed as Yoda on Halloween and E.T. says, "Home! Home!" and gets excited. They're from the same galaxy: the Star Wars one. Also, all E.T.s look the same. Just ride the E.T. Adventure at Universal Studios.
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Ominslash22 writes:
Has anybody noticed that the Trade Federation worker droids (the ones about 3-4 ft tall) resemble E.T.? It has the same shape head and a body the size of E.T.'s.
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Offler writes:
Marbles: I have to point out that the Diva-look-a-like female creatures tending to Sebulba before the race are _not_ a homage to the Fifth Element. The race is an original Star Wars race. Jabba the Hut had one as a slave in his palace, dancing for him. After all, Episodes IV-VI were made a _little_ earlier than Fifth Element...
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afrodude writes:
Well actually Lucas did that because like at least two other people said, Speilburg put Yoda in his movie, well Lucas was being friendly. Also when the Queen called for a vote against Chancellor (sp?) you see some Wookies above some people against the Queen.
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Sith writes:
The "blue skinned females" near Sebulba are Twi'leks! They have no connection to Fifth Element. Twi'leks are from Rylott. Look in the databank on for more info!
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Mark S. writes:
Just reading all of this makes my head hurt. For the love of god, it was E.T., it was cool to find in the movie and please, let us get on w/ our lives.
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Tepe K. writes:
The creatures you were talking about before, were Twi'Leks that can be find allmost everywhere around the Star Wars Galaxy. I think I saw even one in Naboo somewhere. Not sure thought
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Nathan writes:
Well obviously they are related to the aliens that appeared in the movie E.T., and they ARE E.T.'s but that is not the name of their race. The book E.T. I believe mentions the planet and race of these creatures and if not I know for a fact the sequel did, but it's been a long time since I have read it. Anyway, E.T. is what the kids named the ONE alien that landed on Earth. But is not the name of the race.
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DanB writes:
I remember seeing this egg when i was about 7 or 8 and watching episode I with my granparents and we saw the E.T. people in the pods. I was astonished! Hehehe...
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