Rogue Squadron Easter Egg - All the Rouge Squadron Cheat Codes! (NOT AN EGG)

When you begin play, go to "options". Next go to "Passcodes" Once there enter in these codes.

FARMBOY (This gets you the Millenium Falcon)
TIEDUP (This gets you a Tie Intercepter)
IGIVEUP (This gives you infinite lives, not


RADAR (This gives you better radar)
TOUGHGUY (This gives you all the powerups)
ACE (This makes the difficulty harder)
CHICKEN (This gets you a secret level where you

can play as an AT-ST!)

KOELSCH (This turns the V-Wing into a car)
DEADDACK (This gives you all the levels including

the three secret levels!)

MAESTRO (This lets you listen to all the Star

Wars music)

DIRECTOR (This shows the credits)

All of these codes work and are very cool!

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 243 votes
Contributed By: Ian Markey on 04-12-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The game and a Nintendo 64
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Big D writes:
Do these cheats work for the PC version of the game?
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Stinger writes:
You forgot one. Type in HARDROCK in the passcodes area. Go back to the main area and wait for the little demo thing to show. Then, when you return to the main menu, luke skywalker's face will be replaced by a bearded man. NOTE: Do NOT turn off your system after you have entered the code unless you want yo lose the face. When the demo-movie shows, simply hit START or the A button.
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Big D writes:
I tried all of these codes on my PC game, and the only ones that worked were TOUGHGUY, CHICKEN, MAESTRO, and DIRECTOR. Does anyone have any ideas why the others didn't work?
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wongjbw writes:
The other passwords are for Playstation... if you want other cheat codes go to
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Big D writes:
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
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Big D writes:
Some more cheats for the PC version are: USEDAFORCE - use any ship WOOKIEPELT - Millennium Falcon GOODGUYTIE - TIE interceptor IAMDOLLY - unlimited lives OOMPAWAMPA - all levels including 3 bonus levels
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Tefri writes:
Do not forget my favorite, blameus: shows picture of programmers
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Swampy writes:
Once the 'GoodGuyTie' (Fly Tie Interceptor) cheat is entered I can see a Tie Interceptor at the available ships screen (Where you can see ships and weapons, not the hanger) but I can't seem to find a way to select the Tie in this screen or in the hanger.
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Gasgano writes:
You have to make a hard northeast turn on the Millennium Falcon to get the Tie Interceptor.
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qwerty writes:
The easier way to select the TIE in the hangar is to stop at the Millennium Falcon, then press down. In "flight-speech", that would be: "climb". By the way, does anyone know who that bearded guy is? I haven't seen him yet, and I want to know without installing the game all over again.
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How do you kill those damn World Devastators after you destroy the shield generator?!
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thunden writes:
One you activate the Wookiepelt cheat(mellenium falcon) type in Goodguytie then in the hanger it will be behind the mellenium falcon pull back on your joystick or mouse or down arrow on keyboard for a few seconds it will automatically go to the tie interceptor
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