Terminator Future Shock Easter Egg - Shoot Down the Moon

1. Start the game on the burned-out-city level.
2. Pick a Weapon of any kind (Except the Grenade Launcher)
3. Point the Crosshair towards the Moon.
4. Shoot!!
5. The text: "ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow" should come up and the Moon is going down.

User Rating:
  7.8/10 with 18 votes
Contributed By: Mr. Arnold on 07-25-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Lord Ceridan writes:
The Real name of the game is Skynet and all the night, outdoor level(sigle or multy)u can shoot the moon; Only fast fire weapon can shoot the moon down!!!.
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Scorpio_666 writes:
You can shoot down the moon with the pipe thingy too.
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Actually, the game IS called Future Shock. It is the prequel to SkyNET.
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Also, you can "shoot" down the moon with any weapon - including the pipe.
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