Discworld II Easter Egg - Time Travelling Rincewind

1. To start off, get to Act II
2. Talk to Granny Weatherwax about elves and she'll show you the location of the Stone Circle
3. Go into the Circle, then come back out again
4. Go back in again. Repeat about ten times.
5. Instead of going to the Elven Kingdom, you'll end up in Rincewind's bedroom from the beginning of Discworld I!
6. You will then meet the Discworld I version of Rincewind.
7. Watch the two Rincewinds chat - enjoy!

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 146 votes
Contributed By: Tim Kelby on 07-24-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Jetz writes:
This works!! In fact, you only have to go through the circle five times, but you can't skip the animations by hitting escape, if so, the egg won't work. If you do the same thing again, you will get another conversation, and so on. There are four different conversations, and you have to go through the circle (sigh) twenty times.
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@ssKicker writes:
This is cool! I like it more than others might, because I have Disc-world 1 too. But there was something wrong with Disc-world 1, which meant I couldn't get any sound at all on it. With this egg, I could hear what the first Rincewind sounded like. It must have been quite easy to discover- IF you didn't know how to skip the animations. (@_K)
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ImaParanoid writes:
Especially funny if you have read the books.
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doughnut writes:
I did this thing by mistake! Because of the type of game this is (i.e. its easy to get stuck and end up trying combinations over and over again until you get something to work) you could find it out by chance.
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Ingsoc writes:
Actually there are five different scenes, in order to access the fifth you need to have the Suffrajester in your inventory and use her on Rincewind 12 times until in the twelfth time Rincewind would change his response, now you could active the easter egg as before (i.e each fifth time you enter) and the fifth super secret cut scene would randomly appear. Here a video of that secret scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyM9OBsjvf0
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