Smells Like Children (Marilyn Manson) Easter Eggs

Scabs, Guns, and Peanut Butter - Acoustic Song by Twiggy - 6.6/10 with 27 votes
I just kind of stumbled upon this while I was listening to Smells Like Children. I noticed the song "Scabs, Guns and Peanut Butter" (Track 11) sounded really high pitched like the chipmunk effect you get when you speed something up.

So heres what... more
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Unlisted Track - 5.4/10 with 27 votes
On the cover of smells like childern it list 15 tracks, if you forward the cd on for about 30 seconds after the end of the last rrack listed there is an instrumental medely type track at the end
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"Keep This and All Drugs Away from Small Children" - 5.0/10 with 3 votes
One the top of the CD itself (like most CDs) its says all this legal stuff like, "all rights reserved" and, "unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws". You know, normal stuff. But if you actually read all of it you'll see that it says... more

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