Internet Explorer Easter Egg - Wacky Search Menu (v5.0)

1. Open up IE5
2. From the menu, select Tools > Internet Options > General (tab) > Languages (button)
3. Press 'Add'
4. Type: "ie-ee" (without the quotes) and click 'OK'
5. Move "User Defined [ie-ee]" to the TOP of the list
6. Exit back to where you can browse in IE5 again
7. Click on the Search icon (to pull up the side search menu)
8. Laugh at the new options
9. Select 'Previous Searches'

User Rating:
  3.9/10 with 8013 votes
Contributed By: Tom Simpson on 07-19-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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DaveG writes:
Works on Macintosh version of IE 5 - could not get it to work on PC version.
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nash writes:
i have the aol version. I did this and it didnt change anything then i clicked customize and something cool happened. an egg comes out , then it cracks and godzillia comes , and it says IE rocks.
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trutkowski writes:
I never recived the "new options". But when I clicked on Customize an egg poped up, Godzilla came out, and the IE logo crushed him. Is this what was ment to happen?
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pediris writes:
I have a pc at home and I have windows NT on it and absolutely nothing happened (I tried the other suggestions...still nothing!:(
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jfweggman writes:
Why was Bill Gates in the list?
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bj1963 writes:
I used this egg and it was pretty cool. I clicked on "previous search" and got pictures and names etc. I also saw the godzilla, but it seems to me that if you got the godzilla you must have the other stuff.
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jorowi writes:
Have "Find Yourself" selected and search for "milky way". Watch a Galactic Map appear!
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Mike Graves writes:
This egg doesn't work for me, I'm running IE5.01 under W98 on a PC. I don't get the new options, or the egg with godzilla! Anyone help me?
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Beth writes:
when i first tried it, i didn't get any 'abnormal' options. But when i clicked on customize, i also got the little window that says, "Internet Explorer 5.0 Rocks" with Godzilla popping out of an egg and then the logo. Anybody know why i can't get the options in the search menu to change???
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SPiRiToFCaT writes:
I can't get anyhting special to happen with this either. I'm running IE5 on Win98 and nothing different happens, no funny search stuff and no IE crushing Mozilla as a metaphor that IE is better than Netscape.
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emstaj writes:
To all those people who couldn't get it to work- YOU WEREN'T CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET, WERE YOU? I tried it without connecting, and it didn't work. If it works, when you click on search, you should get a list saying: Pick something: Find Yourself Find Happiness etc. If you search for anything under Find Yourself, it brings up a map of the galaxy from Star Trek, with the Romuluns and Cardassians marked on and stuff.
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bdunn writes:
I have IE 5.01 on 98 as well, AND I'm connected to the Internet, and nothing happened on my machine either. It's a bust.
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bunnystew writes:
I too only get the godzilla thing when clicking customize and no new search menu. My version of IE 5.0 has been customized by Road Runner to show their logo and to add 128 bit encryption, so I assume the changes they made screw up the egg.
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pkhoury writes:
At work, we have the Earthlink-branded browsers (because I work there), and the egg trick worked fine, but the previous search options don't work.
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Richie B writes:
I think it might depend where you live or what your other languages in the list are - I'm in the UK and I get categories such as "Find UK entertainment", "Find web pages through UK Plus" and so on. "Customize" gave me just a way of customising what appeared there. No Godzilla :^(
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vent writes:
It took me a little while to figure out why I could not get the search menu to change in my IE 5, when you click the Customize button (have the language set at your normal setting), and the window opens to give you search choices, on the top of the window is "use the search assistant for smart searching", click that, and it should work. Now go back and set the language to ie-ee, then hit the "New" button. It should list different search options for you. Good Luck.
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ant hill writes:
It doesn't work if you have anyother search thing like Copernic I can't get the search menu 'cause I have Copernic! :(
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dizzy writes:
OK, Im running win95 ie5 and i get nothing. Iv tryed the search asst. thing and still got nothing.
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brf writes:
I think this only works with 5.00, not with 5.01. And make sure you move that ie-ee to the top of the language list.
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Ice25 writes:
Amazing Egg!!!! do this and clik on customize for the godzilla egg thingie. clik on previous searches and then the magic option for a load of weird pics... and tea option for all the teams!!
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Ldy2Wicked writes:
Okay. I've been fooling around with this for a few minutes (I promised myself I wouldn't leave it alone until I figured it out, because at first I was getting the Godzilla deal too) and I think I've solved the problem. Make sure that the language is set to its default. Then, go to Customize (since your language is set properly it shouldn't bring up the Godzilla deal) and click on Reset. Internet Explorer will now reset all the settings to default (for instance, if your search page is's search, it will change that to what it would originally be if your version of IE weren't "provided by america online"). Then, go back to Tools > Internet Options > General (tab) > Languages (button) and add the user defined language "ie-ee" (minus the quotes). Move "User Defined [ie-ee]" to the TOP of the list, and exit to where you can browse again. Again, click on "Search" and it should bring up the "wacky" search list. Clicking customize will, as well as before, bring up the ever-so famous "Godzilla Egg Cracking" deal. It should work now. -jen.
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EggMaster writes:
They removed it from IE 5.01 and IE 5.5 preview.
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Lord Faust writes:
He he he. So the Microsoft team does have a sense of humour. It's the best Windows egg since the Stoat-Guy in Windows 3.1. Remember him? Now THAT was a good egg... As for the guys who couldn't get it to work, easter eggs are notoriously tempermental anyway. Either that, or you are spanner heads. go figure.
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Kayla writes:
To those of you who didn't get it, did you click the "move up" botton when you added the ie-ee?
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Alex writes:
If you click customize it will bring up a funny screen
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Please, everyone check this out. Choose the items on the menu, some of them take you to sites like the happiness one, but if you click on previous searches, then how the magic happens you get to see the testing team's pictures with captions...
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I've tried everything. I have Win98, IE 5.00, not 5.01 or 5.5 beta. I agree that eggs are very tempermental. The one for Word97 doesn't work on my computer either but the Excell one does. Just be patient and eventually you'll find a computer that does do it.
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Zipcode writes:
This is for everyone who has the AOL version of IE. First, have your default language oon the top of the list, it doesn't matter if ie-ee is there, just not on top. Second, click on customize in the search menu. Third, click on "use search assistant for smarrt searches" near the top. Fourth, move ie-ee to the top in languages. It should work now.
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j.cadaver writes:
Looks like we're split 50/50 on whether this one works with Win98 in IE 5.... I have 5.0 on a Windows 98SE machine, and nothing amusing happens. Maybe the Second Edition people just wanted us to stop having fun. Shame, I could use a search menu to help Find Myself.
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philm_phreak writes:
If you have IE 5.01 you need to have everything set so that you can get the regular customize menu. When you are at the regular customize menu make sure the option with "Use the Search Assistant for Smart Searching" is the one that is selected. After that is done do the thing with ie-ee thatt you need to do and go into to the search menu and you should see a difference
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NetSharc writes:
Eureka! After a bit of observation, I guessed that the Search Window just looks up the language setting of the browser and downloads a language-specific search page with the URL:[language]/srchasst/srchasst.htm so for "en-us" folks it's So the easter egg is actually stored at this page: and Godzilla can be found in: Let's see if HTML tags work... Search Page Godzilla Page
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real18world writes:
THe above comment really does work. For those of us who can't get it in the search menu, at least you get to see what all the hubbub is about.
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skie writes:
It worked for me with ie 5.0 and win 98 2nd edition.
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jim_ross writes:
Even going straight to that URL doesn't work for me. Win98, IE 5.00. Added user defined language, moved it all around... what gives?
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Adam writes:
yes it does work, godzilla and wacky menu, what you need to do is have your language settings at normal, go to search menu custumize and at the top select smart search, now do the ie-ee thing at the top of language menu, open up search thing again..go to previous searches..or press custumize for godzilla...WOW! it worked! hint...gettin warmer...
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jules.m. writes:
I live in the Uk and my default language is English(en-gb) - (english great britain). The way I got it to work is you need to add the English(en-us)- (english united states). language to your preferences. Then add ie-ee. Shift them around so that the 'us' version becomes your default by making it the top choice, then open up your explorer, click on search, click on customise, choose reset then ok. close search (ONLY), go back to languages choose ie-ee choose search again & hey presto.... Everything is there... Jules..
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Clam writes:
The egg works fine, I'm still on Win95 & IE5.00. If you follow the instructions properly then the whole thing works fine. Nice to see the folks at microshaft have other interests besides code and html. (Star trek, overthrow of the govt. etc...)
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LU6.2 writes:
I have tried this a long time ago and it worked. I tried it again recently and it didn't, no matter what I did. I often go to Microsoft's website and download updates. All I can figure is that one of the updates wiped out the egg.
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john pepper writes:
if you haven't seen the wacky menu yet and youv'e seen the ever famous godzilla. Change the language to ie-ee. Click on the button that says New (the one has a picture of a magnifying glass)and it should have the menu which will say Find yourself Find the perfect gift Find that special someone Find happiness PREVIOUS SEARCHES click on previous searches and it should come up with a box that says you're getting warmer: *The Internet Explorer 5 team *How the magic happens *Reset your language settings When you click on "*The Internet Explorer 5 team" it will come up with a space scene that has "Our ledership" bouncing around the screen with the IE5 team. then click on "*How the magic happens"it will have a list of pictures of the Microsoft team(hahahaha) and "*Reset your language settings" goes back to the language options
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Hey everybody! Just to make everything even better, copy and paste this site into the address line.
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segunder writes:
If you hit "customize" when in this egg, you can see an egg. Kinda useless. If you look at the top it should say something like... "IE5 Rocks!" Also check out this site... it gives you the search menu on screen! I found this by mistake
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Cmmc1183 writes:
OK, this one's for you said that when you use ie-ee as the language you get a search that says find yourself and then different things to find yourself...I don't get that. I get a list of time savers including "car corner", "find an airline and hotel", etc... I get this list before and after I push the "new" button with the microscope. How do I get to the list of find yourself's?
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Jimbo writes:
If you cannot get the egg to work you can go to the site here:
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Ok... I have Win98 and IE 5.00 and the egg works: I get Godzilla, the pictures, the wacky menu etc etc... I had no need to first add US English to the languages list: mine is Italian and I didn't change it. I moved the new language at the top of the list and clicked OK, then OK again. If you try to close the Options window by clicking on the small cross and not on OK, you'll get no egg. I don't, at least. And I have found this...: click on "*PREVIOUS SEARCHES" and then on "Clear" button, and you get a message.
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DG2K writes:
This does not work with IE 5.5
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In Regedit Go To mycomputer\hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\internet explorer\search in the keys for customsearch & searchassistant change the following from{SUB_RFC1766}/srchasst/srchasst.htm to and from{SUB_RFC1766}/srchasst/srchcust.htm to note the {SUB_RFC1766} May be diffrant on your system. It is a pointer to the language selector
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baudzilla writes:
i have had troubble with this myself, one problem i have found is that you CAN'T be running IE5.5 for this to work
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john pepper writes:
hey i just found somthing, when you're on the wacky search menu and click previous searches press clear, Laugh
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john pepper writes:
oh and i found something else, go to regedit and goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet explorer/about URLS click on each of the boxes and copy them on IE have fun(again)
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america747 writes:
Oh man, doesn't everybody think that it absolutely sucks that this doesn't work on IE 5.5?!!
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Jonathan Tu writes:
Pretty damn sweet. Had me laughing, especially the find your loved one option.
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McWomble writes:
Nothing happened! I'm using NT4.0
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Jeremy writes:
I have 98 w/ 5.0. It works fine, but I don't see what all the excitment is about. I thought it was acually quite boring. Godzilla doesn't even speak.
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muff13 writes:
I have windows 2000 me, and internet explorer 5.51. This egg did NOT work on my pc, but this address did:
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djdodo writes:
Oh, its all in the versions, it works with the latest one, download it at the Mirosoft website,, and thats that. It might not work with Netscape users and all that rubish but it works with a nomal version of Explorer 5.5 if your connected to the net!!!
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shepshep writes:
Nope. At least not with Windows 2000 Pro and IE 5.5. Sounds funny, though.
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blueberry writes:
I have IE version 5.0 and I can't get it to work. do you have to close explorer or can you just click search?
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This egg onlyt works when online because it accesses a page to download the funny animation of Godzilla coming from the egg and getting crushed by IE (another attempt at chucking off at mozilla (Netscape) by MS crew). If you haven't managed to get the egg to work yet - the page it accesses is... This page is opened within a popup window captioned "Internet Explorer 5.0 Rocks!"
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darknite writes:
This doesn't work with IE 5.5
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Brolin writes:
ATTENTION: This only works in IE 5.0, like the title says (5.0)! Stop saying it does not work in other versions!
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Elbereth writes:
Tried it on French Windows 98 SE, with IE v5.00.2614.3500 with 40bit encryption and it worked. :o)
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hobol writes:
I have win98 and my Internet Explorer is a 5.0 chinese version and it works. Its so simple, how could it possible go wrong????Pretty funny stuff the team made
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TykSak writes:
If you didn't get it to work check it here Wanna search with Google instead of MSN checkout
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Sarah3264 writes:
I found this thing, too. The Godzilla thing AND the searches. Oh, and if you check the status bar (bottom of screen) in Previous Searches, it will have some messages!
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To get the fun search options, not "Mozilla" and the rock, go to tools, Internet options, programs, reset web settings, then do the search thing again. Et Voila.
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I found out how to make it work! Go to tools, Internet options, PROGRAMS, than reset web settings. Click reset, doesn't matter if you keep your home page or not- it should now work if you follow the suggestions other people posted!
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! writes:
For anyone who has this IN THE SEARCH MENU, when you're in Previous Searches - The Internet Explorer 5.0 team, click Next or click the down arrow next to it... There are more parts to the credits. If it WON'T work or if you're in 5.5, try the thing about the registry. That's the only way I got it to work. If you don't want to try that, or it doesn't work, here are the sites for EACH one:
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! writes:
4 things: 1. I got it to work on 5.5 with the registry thing. 2. If you click "Next" on either the galactic map or the thing with the developer's names bouncing around, you get something else... 3. The galactic map isn't working anymore, is it working for you??? 4. Please answer me for #3!!! I want it to work!
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provolo writes:
Nope, the galactic map doesn't work for me either... all i get is a broken link pointing me to
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Renuxit writes:
I use IE 5.5 and I had to do the registry trick to get the egg to work. Here is the trick: 1. open regedit.exe 2. expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Search 3. In there you will find two string values labeled CustomizeSearch and SearchAssistant 4. Double click each value and insert "" as the data, without the quotes. 5. close regedit, and open IE 5.5. 6. Make sure you've done the add language trick mentioned earlier and you should be able to see the crazy menu and the godzilla cartoon if you click on customize.
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bcheetah writes:
it worked for me too...although for find yourself...didn't get me anywhere a not found geocities site came up.....any reasons why???
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Sarah3264 writes:
There's more to this egg than people are saying... hold your mouse over "Reset your language settings" in Previous Searches, look down at the status bar {where it usually says "Web site found" and whatnot), and it will say stuff!
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MatthewH12 writes:
If you want to see the egg and cant get it to work than go here:
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BlueJ100 writes:
I have 5.5 and the registry trick finally got the search menu to show up, but when I try to do anything then I get a script error. (I can't even access Godzilla!) Any ideas?!?
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Tedd Hansen writes:
Reason why it works on some, but not on others (Don't know if anyone else explained this, didn't bother to read all comments); You are specifying acceptable languages, why do you think you are doing this ? The browser tells the server what languages the user accepts so the server can find an apropriate HTML page. (Not so commonly used, but this is the idea) Now; The "Search" button in IE consists of several search-engines. I live in Norway and are defaulted to a 3rd party Norwegian searchengine ( Now for the easter egg to work the server needs to have an alternate HTML page for ie-ee language string, and only the original msn search engine has this. Therefore everyone using "local" or 3rd party search engines will not see the easter egg...
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This is annoying! I have tried it on lots of computers w/IE 5.0 and it doesn't work!
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peacemonkey writes:
One of the users posted that they could enter in milky way under "find yourself" and see a picture of the milky way, but I can't. I think is just a classic case of geocities wiping a page that has been visited too often. If anyone can find it, please post!
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White Wolf writes:
For IE5.5 users (and others who can't get this egg to work), the only way I have found to get IE5.5 to show this egg is to run regedit (go to Start > Run > and type in "regedit" [without the quotes]). From there, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search. There you will find entries for Customize search and Search Assistant. Double-click on those entries and change the \{SUB_RFC1766}\ to \ie-ee\ and click Ok. (this may be different for some users. BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN THE CHANGE YOU MADE so you can change it back). When you are done making this change, close regedit and reopen the search window. You should then see the easter egg as it was intended. I also noticed when you go to Previous searches and click on The Internet Explorer 5.0 Team, the Next Option becomes available. Click Next to see other branches of the team. When you are done, be sure to open regedit again and change the settings back in case you ever want to use the search later on.
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Hi all! I used the following steps and this egg worked: 1) connect to Internet 2) go to tool menu and select Internet options 3) in it go to language tab 4) click add and write in user defined box "ie-ee" and press OK 5) bring it to the top by selecting it and clicking move up button 6) now press OK and OK again to come back to explorer 7) click on search button and in it press customize and enjoy the egg
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CMantito writes:
OK -- I tried the egg and all I got was Godzilla. BUT---I managed to figure out why. With English as your default language, customize the search and tell it to use the search assistant. Now reload the search thing and it should work fine.
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Matt writes:
This did not work for me. I did the instructions correctly, but when I hit customize, a screen came up that had nothing to do with this egg.
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There are some prerequisites. 1. In View > Toolbars, Standard Buttons must be checked. The "Search" button is one of the Standard Buttons, and if Standard Buttons is not checked, you won't have a Search button to press. 2. Before switching to the ie-ee language (ie-ee is presumably Internet Explorer-Easter Eggs), press the Search button, and click on "Customize" in the left-hand panel. You will see two radio buttons at the top. One of them is "Use the Search Assistant for smart searching". You must have that radio button selected to see the funny list of options when ie-ee is set as the preferred language.
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Tiamora writes:
Well.. I played around with this, and still I don't see NO darn Egg, and I did follow all steps, so does that mean some people are not meant to get them or what?
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Barney Fife writes:
I guess all the Easter Eggs in IE have been found. I tried it and nothing happens at all, even taking it a step or two further like some of the other users have. I'm using WMe and IE6.0 beta. Could it have been removed in IE6.0 beta?
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If you select "find happiness" and type "happy" (without quotes) and it will bring you to MSN stock quotes.
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Trouble writes:
I'm running IE6.0 beta on Win 98SE, did all the steps as written, but could not locate the egg =( so.... I'm off to look for others, happy hunting.
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Logan writes:
Oh, I get the egg fine. :) I have Ie5 and windows 98, and I'm on a LAN. But the search menu has never given me more than a "this page cannot be displayed" since I got the computer, so I haven't seen that part.
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LEONARDO writes:
Open Internet Explorer In the Direction bar tip "" and Godzilla appears !!!!!!!
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Andrew writes:
I've tried the egg but it does not work, Ive got IE 5.5 windows 98.
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Phlip writes:
It might be something to do with what the language was originally, Mine doesn't work and my default language was English (Australian). Post to see if it only works if your default is English (United States)
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Daniel writes:
I have IE 5.5, and it sounds like I'm missing out on a lot. Wish 5.5 had it . . .
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brian577 writes:
Also Works in Internet Explorer 5.1 Preview Release for the Mac.
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Someoneelse writes:
It never worked for me. i have tried it twice already and it never worked.
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DeltaLima writes:
Look at the source code of this page (, all is in there. Unfortunatly, the Geocities link you'll see in is no longer working.
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Nutpikachu writes:
Godzilla Comes Out Of the egg because the netscape mascot looks like Godzilla!
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Someone writes:
It was interesting-and it was beautiful the way the names danced around on the Internet explorer team page. Look, floating names! Did you see the bottom bar too? That was funny.
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Nobody writes:
Re: GALACTIC MAP (from broken link) Possibly ? Try searching "galactic map",particularly on geocities. Hope it helps.
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KoRnKiDeaD writes:
Looks like this egg won't work on Internet Explorer v 5.01/5.5. To actually make it work on v5.5, you'll have to tweak a few things, and use the registry trick, like i did, and then it should work.
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Kunkie writes:
It doesn't work now. They have deleted the page.
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will writes:
They probably deleted the egg with the release of 6.0 and Win XP.
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This egg no longer works. No joke. For some inane reason, when the new version of IE came out, they discontinued the egg. I know this because I tried this egg a couple months ago and it worked, tried it today on three different computers and it didn't.
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By the way everybody - Microsoft has taken down the site and so it will not work on any version of Internet Explorer now.
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Noodles writes:
it doesn't work with IE6! Bugger!
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It would be useful if the comments were dated. As of April 28, 2002, none of the tricks here seem to work. The direct URLs listed in other messages all return a "not found" error, which is unlikely to be tied to any specific version of IE or registry settings. Looks like Billy-boy lost his sense of humor about browsers...
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Da Zeg writes:
Sadly this egg will not work any more as the "ie-ee" pages on MSN Search have been deleted try pasting: Into the address bar and you get a 404 :(
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NeoZidane52 writes:
I found an egg for it in XP! it won't work with the godzilla or wacky search menu but sometin else. after you do the ie-ee thing open the search menu and ctrl+alt+shift click on it and the _ under the buttons will come on and off when you press it.
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no-one writes:
Microsoft have got rid of the ie-ee page. I tried typing the address in... I mean copying and pasting the address in... it doesn't work.
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Wishkres writes:
I can't get the URLs to work. I'm not using the proper browser or anything, but the pages that everybody's linking to on here just bring up errors. They ought to work... Were the pages taken down or something? Hmm.
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Boter writes:
Those dreary, rainy day Seattle, party poopers at Microsoft have killed this egg. I now get a 404 trying to link up to the search page.
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ibamct writes:
This doesn't work anymore because Microsoft removed the links for the egg. But. . . I found the relevant links in the Wayback Machine. Use the following steps to get most of the features to work (some links were not copied to the archive): 1.Open the registry through regedit or regedt32. 2.Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search 3.Change CustomizeSearch to 4.Change SearchAssistant to 5.Close the registry editor, open IE. 6.Click on Search, and revel in success and the stupidity of it all. . .
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Stampyguy writes:
To NetSharc :- I followed your link and it said 'Page cannot be found'. When I went to the home page, however, it said I was forbidden (Error 403)! I tried the egg (I think I have v5.0) & it didn't work!
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:Dpw-2002: writes:
you can get this easter egg at God people read one of the comments above he tells you this, god you lot are thick as f--k
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Neo writes:
With the registry "hack" could i get it to work on V.06.
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Ricky writes:
i have tried all these ways and still cant get it to work but now my wholse search bit is nacked up. what do i do to put it back to normal? before i done anything my search was google
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Cool, I did that in IE7. Lo-and Behold, It added a search provider called Easter Eggs. When I high-light add search providers. there I found an option that said Easter Eggs. I clicked on it, it added the search provider. I looked again in add search providers, it wasn't there anymore.
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