Notepad Easter Egg - Hidden Bush Secrets!

1.) Open an empty notepad file.
2.) Type "Bush hid the facts" (without the quotes)
3.) Save it with any file name with as .TXT file.
4.) Close it, and re-open it.


User Rating:
  6.8/10 with 171 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-23-2006
Reviewed By: racedogg2, Silent_Assassin
Special Requirements: Windows OS (tested in XP), built in Notepad non-functional in windows 7
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

If you reopen the textfile, you see this! What you see with Chinese text support. It translates as This is in Korean
If you reopen the textfile, you see this! What you see with Chinese text support. It translates as "Albert Benren Mount Tiantou video seized Mongoose" This is in Korean

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


Kingrow writes:
Didn't seem to do anything for me. Maybe it's because I use Windows 98?
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ace repair writes:
This really works, wonder why microsoft would put an egg in a simple program like that. if they done that, wonder what else there may be.
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q_dmc12 writes:
畂桳栠摩琠敨映捡獴 - that's what I get, is this the egg?
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byjjitgwvnx writes:
This is a bug where notepad misinterprets the encoding, it is not an easter egg... "abcd efg hij klmno", "xxxx xxx xxx xxxxx" or anything similar will work to. It will only occur if the file is saved as ANSI Also, this does not work on windows 95, 98, ME
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mattoon360 writes:
Yeah... I typed John hid the facts and it worked too.
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Owl writes:
I dont get it, it just covers up the letters. Is this what its supposed to do?
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Red n X writes:
it sais when you translate the text "Liu Benren got Tou motorized patrol videos seized" ??? wht is it???
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Gaara writes:
I have Windows Vista Home Premium and it does not work for me.
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Sanicle writes:
Even though at first sight this appears to be an easter egg, it isn't. Neither is it a bug with notepad per se. It is a limitation of windows itself - the function used to determine whether a file is unicode or not. Text files containing Unicode should start with a byte order mark (a two byte flag to tell the reader how the data is encoded). Since these two bytes are very unlikely to occur at the start of a file, it's normally used to tell whether a text file is UTF-16 (standard unicode) encoded. However, since many apps (including notepad) don't bother writing this marker, notepad cannot tell by itself when reading a file whether it is UTF-16 encoded or not. Instead it falls back on a windows function called IsTextUnicode() - essentially it reads data passed to it and determines as accurately as possible whether the data is UTF-16 or not by running it through a few heuristics tests. Unfortunately some short strings can slip through the net. According to the documentation for IsTextUnicode: "These tests are not foolproof. The statistical tests assume certain amounts of variation between low and high bytes in a string, and some ASCII strings can slip through. For example, if lpBuffer points to the ASCII string 0x41, 0x0A, 0x0D, 0x1D (A\n\r^Z), the string passes the IS_TEXT_UNICODE_STATISTICS test, though failure would be preferable." In laymans terms, some strings, in particular any string with the same character pattern as previously mentioned (xxxx xxx xxx xxxxx) will be interpreted incorrectly, and thus will be displayed using the eastern encoding system that uses chinese, japanese and korean symbols instead of the western characters. If support for eastern languages is not installed (as the case with a large amount of machines) then windows will display the unrecognised characters as boxes, hence the "hidden text" effect. PS - "This app can break" (minus the quotes) produces the same effect ;)
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nickstern4 writes:
Typing anything with each word containing a certain amount of letters works! The correct "Sequence" is: *4 letter word* *3 letter Word* *3 letter word* *5 letter word* I'm going to read into WHY it happens though...
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