ObjectDock (Stardock) Easter Egg - Hidden Pictures and Funny Messages! Haha

1. Open the About dialog in either the free or plus version of ObjectDock

2. Check out the dial that is part of the logo. Seems like a plain 'ol graphical about box, but notice that the multi-colored dial-looking thing in the logo seems to glow every few seconds. Looks like they're trying to hint at something hidden doesn't it? ;)

3. Locate the dial and click around on it... a puzzle clue will present itself in the middle status bar area after a few seconds.

4. I won't ruin the puzzles, but solve that first one and you'll see hidden 'special thanks' screen (first egg)

5. After you get there, in a few seconds another clue will be shown.

6. Solve that one and you'll see some pictures of the developer Jeff Bargmann and his buddies (second egg)

7. After a few seconds another clue will show itself in the little middle status-bar.

8. Figure it out, and if you keep going one by one you can see lines of hidden messages and funny instant message quotes - there are lots of them! (third egg)

9. Haha there's some crazy funny stuff in those hidden pictures and messages... happy hunting!

side-note, i've heard rumor that there's more hidden codes that you can enter into the combo thing to have it do other stuff that theres no puzzle to hint towards? anyone?

User Rating:
  7.3/10 with 29 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-21-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, sars
Special Requirements: Windows 2000 or XP or better, ObjectDock free or plus
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