Mozilla Easter Egg - From the Book of Mozilla, 3:31

Type in 'about:mozilla' in the pathwindow

It will display as message beginning with:

And the beast shall be made legion. Its numbers shall...

Try it to see the rest. ;-)

Internet explorer reacts also by typing in the phrase above.
Please see the Internet Explorer egg!

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 117 votes
Contributed By: aries on 12-03-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Mozilla V.1.0 (debian linux) other platforms unknown
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Interesting, but when I tried the same in IE (version 6.0), I just got a blank blue screen
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2k writes:
Tested using Mozilla 1.2.1 and it still works :)
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This doesn't seem to work in IE 6.
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I've tested it with IE 6.0 -- blank blue screen for me too. W/ Mozilla Firefox 1.00: It still works. :)
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cgeek writes:
This works with Mozilla 1.7.2 on Windows 2000. Very funny+ will try to find more
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koira writes:
If anybody is wondering, the blue screen in IE is a seperate egg: it represents Microsoft wanting people to believe that Mozilla causes your computer to crash (BSOD / Blue Screen of Death)
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Try this in Mozilla Firefox, you get a quote from The Book of Mozilla, 7:15 about the slaying of the beast and the rising of what seems to be Firebird (the original name for Firefox) and Thunderbird
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koira writes:
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Mitchell writes:
not really an egg, but if you type about:config you can adjust alot of settings!
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Jcrook writes:
Works for me (Firefox I love the end bit, 'and the followers of Mammon [god of money] cowered in horror.' Makes a nice point.
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