Excel Easter Egg - Excel 97 Flight Simulator - for Later Versions of Microsoft Excel

If you received an error while entering the X97:L97 code in EXCEL to try and reach the simulator, try this one for newer versions of EXCEL.

1. On a blank worksheet press F5.
2. In the "Go To" windows enter "r97c12:r97c24"
3. Press enter.
4. Press the TAB key.
5. Hold down Control + Shift.
6. Click the chart wizard tool-bar icon.
7. Have fun and enjoy.

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  3.6/10 with 1286 votes
Contributed By: Dillon Tideman on 09-07-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Microsoft Excel 97 - Version SR-1 or higher.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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~AJ~ writes:
The F5 entry doesn't work in Excel 2000. It errors out. I used cut and paste to make sure. Is there a FS for Excel 2000?
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quickhakker writes:
does this work in 2007 onwards?
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pen1234567 writes:
I think you have to change a setting for this to work. Goto the Tools>Options dialog box. Then, goto the General tab. Then CHECK the "R1C1 reference style" check box under Settings. Then you can just hit OK to save. Now try the easter egg, it might work.
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This doesn't work in Excel 2002/XP. I only get the chart wizard.
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Platypus Man writes:
Really, all you have to do is in the goto box, type x97:l97, press OK, press tab, then hold ctrl+shift and click the chart wizard. Left click is forward, right is backwards. Look for the credits and the funny floor! Also, if you want to do it again, you'll have to close and reopen Excel. I'm not sure why the previous explanation was so complicated...
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Rebecca writes:
When you say "later versions of Excel," which versions do you mean?
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BrowserBoy writes:
It really works !!! Pay attention !!! You must press TAB just once time and after press Shift + Ctrl and keep press until press chart wizard. Very funny !!!
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Aldaror writes:
The egg is a classic !!! For those who are having trouble; As an ENGLISH helper, I say; I use windows 98 SE, with Microsoft Excel 97, not at all upgraded in any way. To those who are trying to use this egg, my simple instructions are as follows; 1) Open Excel (should open a new book). 2) Click 'Tools', Then 'Options', and under the 'General' Tab, ensure the checkbox 'R1C1 Reference style' is UNCHECKED. 3) Back in the new (blank) book, hit F5, type x97:l97 and hit enter. 4) Press TAB once. 5) Hold down Ctrl and Shift, and press the 'Chart wizard' button. Seriously funny - Thanks for a laugh!
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Steph writes:
This did not work in MS Excel 2000. I could get the area to highlight. I pressed Tab which worked fine, but when I pressed CTRL+SHIFT+chart wizard, the chart wizard just came up. Any suggestions?
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Felix Ng writes:
It doesn't works at all! I'm using Office XP with Traditional Chinese Windows XP Home with Office XP Standard. Please help!
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So far this egg doesn't work in excel 2007.
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Gabby Jim writes:
I first played this "game" back in 1998-9(?). Aldor (SP?) is right - however, there are a couple of things to be aware of. First, of course, is that you must have the chart wizard on your tool bar. (Right click a blank area of the tool bar and select customize if it isn't there - be sure you get the correct icon - the "chart" icon and the "wizard" icon look the same.) Then, obviously, r97c12:r97c24 is an invalid entry (too many characters) - use X97:L97 (think XL 97 - i.e. Excel 97) for the proper coordinates. But here's the rub. If you are using a newer computer, the CPU speed may be much higher than that for which the program was originally written - as a result, the "game" runs away with you - so fast that you can't control it or see what is happening. Other than running some other program that hogs the CPU at the same time, I don't have a fix for that. Maybe someone else can offer a workable suggestion.
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