Reno 911! Easter Eggs

Alternative Soundtrack on the Season 2 Finale - 8.8/10 with 6 votes
On the 3rd DVD, press your remote's down arrow a few times on the first part of the Season Finale to highlight the O in Reno. If it works, it will turn red.

Click OK or Enter to be taken to a condensed version of the Season Finale with the actors... more

Cosby Reference - 7.0/10 with 3 votes
In the first season of Reno 911, there are two episodes titled Terrorist Training Part 1 and Part 2. In one of these episodes, Deputy Raineesha Williams is searching a suitcase which is supposed to have a bomb in it. She starts to pull clothes out of... more

Another Hidden Commentary - 5.0/10 with 2 votes
Go to the bonus features, and select the action figure commercials, arrow right to highlight Dangle's sunglasses and it will play an entire episode with full commentary with all of the deputies except clemy. Just as good as a brand new episode!

Extra Captions - 4.8/10 with 6 votes
To view this egg, turn the closed captioning on on your t.v. when you watch an episode of Reno 911!(preferably an episode that is not taped ( I can guarantee that it works on a new episode.)) At the end when the credits roll, some extra dialogue involving... more
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