TimeSplitters: Future Perfect Easter Eggs

Cortez the Organist - 6.5/10 with 8 votes
Use the Organ in the "Scotland the Brave" level, just past Tipper and the Jungle Queen. First, it will play a bit from "Phantom of the Opera." Use it again, and it will play the song from Anaconda [TS2 game 1]
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Corporal Who? - 3.2/10 with 31 votes
In the first level, Time To Split, about halfway through, you can hear two soldiers chatting. Their conversation goes like this,
Soldier 1 - "Where's Corporal Hart?"
Soldier 2 - "Corporal Who?"
Soldier 1 - "Ah, never mind."
Corporal Hart was the ill-fated... more
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Tomb Raider Hidden reference - 2.0/10 with 5 votes
On the Mansion mission, don't run into the house. Jo Beth Casey will nag you and nag you - be patient. In the end she'll ask you "What are you waiting for - a butler?". This is in reference to Tomb Raider, where a creepy butler follows you around at the... more

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