Riven Easter Eggs

Gehn's Opera/Wireframe Jungle/Silly Putty/Christmas Lights/Sky Walk - 9.3/10 with 32 votes
In order to view all of these eggs, you have to click on a series of points throughout the game. (Best to figure all this out after you've already finished the game previously - it makes it a whole lot easier to find these places, and to know what I'm... more
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Mystery Kids! - 7.6/10 with 21 votes
In Riven, after you have advanced to a decent point in the game, I'm not sure how far, go to the chamber where you first appeared in the game.
In that area, go to the edge of the cliff facing the holograph room and the first transport. Look down the... more
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Hidden Movies - 7.6/10 with 22 votes
1. Have Riven (duh)
2. It's generally a good idea to have finished Riven.
3. Get one of the "Riven Movie Snoops" from off the 'net (they're out for Windows and Mac)
4. Insert the 5th disc.
5. Load up the Riven snoop, and select the first movie... more
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Flash of Face at End of Game, When Atrus Holds Up Linking Book - 7.5/10 with 13 votes
1. After you break the lens at the end of the game.
2. Look closely at Atrus. For a brief moment a face will appear.
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Five More Faces - 7.5/10 with 6 votes
1. At the beginning of the game, leave Temple Island and then come back.
2. Go to where you started. Then go to the bottom of the staircase, and look down to the right. 2 faces are in the top-left.
3. To find the other three, rotate the Gate Room... more
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Robyn Miller's Kids - 7.3/10 with 6 votes
1. (I didn't personally find this, but it wasn't listed here so I am entering it for the sake of completeness.)
2. Step outside the cage where you start the game.
3. Turn left, and look up.
4. One face is just to the left of lower center, hidden... more
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Children's Picture in Rocks - 7.2/10 with 34 votes
1. Start in the kiosk where the game began on the first island
2. Step out, and turn right.
3. Go to the cliff edge (near the stairs leading up)
4. Look down
5. There is a picture of someone's kids built into the rock face
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Jingle Bells and Walking Through Air - 7.1/10 with 23 votes
1. First "activate" the easter eggs. (go to book making island, click on the egg. go to the moitety age, click on the bowl. etc. if you don't know what I'm talking about., find it on another easter egg entry)
2. Once you have finished clicking on RAWA,... more
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Two Easter Egg Movies Found in the Game - 7.1/10 with 63 votes
1. On the workshop island (disk 1), open the top drawer of the 5 drawers at the workbench in Ghen's office and click all the eggs, one at a time, until you see the hand cursor disappear and then reappear. Important: only make the cursor disappear and... more
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More Children's Faces - 7.0/10 with 7 votes
1. On Temple Island, after going under the chained wood gate
2. (passage to Gateway room at other end must be open)
3. Look along the right side of your screen.
4. The three children's faces are Rand Miller's daughters.

Lights On - 6.9/10 with 15 votes
1. Do the 5 steps for revealing the secret movies
2. Go to the room with the whark sculptures
3. It is located in the Temple-Island just before the maglav-car
4. Looking at the room from the exit (where the maglav is found)
5. There is hidden... more
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Silly Putty Movie - 6.5/10 with 18 votes
1. Run Riven movie snoop program
2. Insert CD disc #4
3. Open g_Data.MHK Mohawk archive file
4. Select movie #138, 266gptty.
5. Enjoy
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(My) Name Hidden in the Rocks - 5.2/10 with 18 votes
1. Go to the workshop island (disc 1).
2. After solving hte boiler puzzle, go to the small balcony that has the frog trap.
3. Climb down the ladder.
4. At the bottom, face the ladder so that you are one screen away from being right at the ladder.... more
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Wireframe Picture - 5.1/10 with 8 votes
1. Do all of the steps that "Spyder" gave you. (They are stated in one of these Egg Reports)
2. Go to where you make the "sub" descend into the water next to the village by the lagoon.
3. Go three or four screens toward the village (till you are looking... more
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Shadow - 2.9/10 with 30 votes
1. Travel to the jungle island
2. Go up to the clear cut and enter the jungle through the gate
3. One click through the gate look at the large tree trunk on the right side of the screen
4. There should be a human figure made by the shadows
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