Re-Volt Easter Eggs

UFO! - 7.0/10 with 64 votes
1. Instead of your name insert URCO on the wheel (anyway you can change it after the first step)

2. Find the UFO car and enjoy yourself!!!

Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG) - 7.0/10 with 53 votes
When at name wheel, type one of the following...

1.CARNIVAL (for all cars)
2.URCO (for a Probe UFO)
3.TRACKER (all tracks)
4.TVTIME (F4 and F5 select new cameras)
5.DRINKME (tiny cars)

NBA Jam Reference in Toys in the Hood - 7.0/10 with 2 votes
NBA Jam, another Acclaim game, is secretly referenced in Toys in the Hood on Re-Volt. To find it you must do the following:

1. Start Re-Volt and when it ask for your name type in the cheat "MAKEITGOOD" as your name. Now pick any car and start a race... more

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