Day After Tomorrow, The Easter Eggs

Bart and Lisa - 4.2/10 with 4 votes
In the tornado sequence, the woman on the news talking about the tornado is named Lisa, according to the man in the helicopter when the Hollywood sign is destroyed, who is named Bart. Bart and Lisa? Ring a bell?
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A Jedi in Disguise?!?!?! - 3.2/10 with 27 votes
In the party scene with Sam and his friends after their first class, they all have nametags on. All the nametags are correct except for Sam's, which says "Yoda."
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pic A Girlfriend's Visit - 2.8/10 with 20 votes
While Sam (Gyllenhaal) is on the phone with his Father (Quaid) after his Father has just found out that the timescale is in weeks, the girl to the left of Sam is Jake's real-life Girlfriend, Kirsten Dunst. She's seen covering her mouth -- Directors said... more

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