Lego Island Easter Eggs

People Walk in the Sky - 6.3/10 with 86 votes
1. Select laura brick
2. Get into helicopter and go up
3. Click on red brick on top of information center
4. Every ten times you do this people will walk around in the air
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Making Only the Palm Trees Dance - 5.1/10 with 31 votes
1. Pick any character.
2. Go to the information booth ( after being outside ).
3. Click the next arrow to the right side until you get to the elevator.
4. Go to level three.
5. Go to where you can see the whole city.
6. Press T and Z at the... more

Make the Flowers and Trees Dance - 4.4/10 with 23 votes
1. Go to a tree with a flower beside it. (It doesn't matter who you play)
2. Hit T and Z simeltaniously.
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Everything Affects Everything - 3.9/10 with 59 votes
1. The current Easter Egg already for Lego Island is the whole point of the game! duh :-P
2. If you're Pepper, clicking on someone will change their hat, clicking on a plant will change it from a flower - tree - stoplight - palm tree. there also might... more
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