Anti-Trust Easter Eggs

Out of Work Director - 7.6/10 with 33 votes
When Milo (Ryan Phillippe) is sitting in his car outside the Department of Justice office, a homeless man comes up and holds a sign up to the window, that says "homeless". In the next shot where the beggar leaves, the sign says "out of work director".... more

Second Director Appearance (Uncredited) - 5.8/10 with 8 votes
After Larry activated the worldwide Synapse message, the movie shows numerous different places where the public is watching the message. The man wearing a New York Yankees stocking cap is actually the director Peter Howitt.

Manchester United Players - 4.2/10 with 19 votes
In Anti-trust, at the end after everything has been revealed and Nurv is going down, the faces of Gary Winston's three henchmen flash up on the screen. Their names are Shmeichael, Solskjaer and Sheringham. Not so different perhaps from Man Utd's Peter... more

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