Descent III Easter Eggs

Weird Robots - 7.5/10 with 28 votes
While playing enable the "almighty" cheat, then type in "dance party." The robots will begin to do very amusing things.
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Tile Message on Floor in Chapter 9 - PTMC Spacecraft Factory - 7.0/10 with 17 votes
I came close to not mentioning this at all because it's not that interesting, but I was forced to by my annoying sense of wanting others to see something that maybe i only had. sad...

Anyway, get to Chapter 9 - PTMC Spacecraft Factory. If you don't... more
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Teletubbies Baby in the Sun - 7.0/10 with 40 votes
1. On Level 2, when you are out in the open (with the purple sky above you), look up and find the sun. It isn't hard to find, and there it is, the infamous baby in the sun from Teletubbies.
2. Now as you look at it, type "teletubbies" and a giant door... more

Christmas Hat on Robot - 5.7/10 with 17 votes
Okay. I got this program on Christmas -- so I went to go check it out. I went into the training option, and the robot was wearing a christmas hat! This will probably work if you set your calender date to christmas. :-)

Signs Is City - 1.4/10 with 25 votes
On the level where you start out on the subway (Level 5, Seoul?)I if you just look around in some little nooks and crannys you can find signs for Volition (developer of descent Freespace) and Outrage(developer of the game) and others.

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