Cricket 97 (NOT AN EGG) Easter Eggs

Funny Cheat - 7.5/10 with 25 votes
When playing a match on Cricket 97 press space bar, then simply press 323. Richie Benaud will then appear and say something like: "This looks like an Olympic sprint." This cheat makes all the players on the field run extremely fast. Very funny!!
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Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG) - 6.9/10 with 27 votes
In order to achieve no gravity, you need to paue the game. While the game is paused, you need to hold alt and press 1,2,3,4,3,2,1. Ron Barr will come up and say some junk about "this is how cricket will be played on the moon. I think your in for a bit... more
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Easter Eggs (Not Cheats) - 5.6/10 with 18 votes
In the game, press space to pause and 121 to get a duck to walk across the screen. Press 123 for 'Gerard was here' to appear on the screen, 223 for a night match and 212 for exploding stumps.

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