Vanilla Sky Easter Eggs

Julie Gianni's Ringtone - 7.8/10 with 12 votes
A big fan of the movie, I found this amazing and noticed it on the tenth/eleventh time seeing the movie.

First scene with Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise in bed, he gets up to go and she is laid up in bed. Her phone starts to ring and she picks it up.... more

Strange Single Frames in Tom Cruise's Life Flashback - 7.1/10 with 88 votes
Go to the scene way at the end of the movie when Tom's charicter jumps off the building in order to return back to a real life. As he is falling his life starts flashing before him. At this point you have to slow the play down so you can view the images... more
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Danny Bramson's Name Dropped - 5.6/10 with 7 votes
1. Start the movie and then forward to about 21 minutes.

2. The scene is at the party and Sofia is looking at the smashed up Les Paul guitar and a guy behind her says "Danny Bramson gave him that for his birthday last year."

Danny Bramson, though... more

Spielberg Cameo - 5.5/10 with 35 votes
Just when Tom Cruise's character is leaving the party at the start of the movie, a few people recognise him as important businessman. One of the people that taps him on the shoulder is none other than Dreamworks king, Steven Spielberg. This is also... more
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