Arcanum Easter Eggs

Fan Graveyard - 8.2/10 with 21 votes
Set up your world-map and take yourself to the following coordinates: W: 1060 S : 809

The game should put you on a path south to the fan graveyard, which is in a fork in the river. The Troika team put graves for some of the fans and beta testers.... more
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Greatest Throwing Weapons in Movie History! - 6.6/10 with 7 votes
The two most powerfull throwing weapons in the game are Azram's Star (a 5-pointed glaive with extending blades) and the Aerial Decapatator (looks like a razor-rimmed chinese hat on a chain) Both of these are references to cult movies.

Azram's Star... more

Various in Game Character References - 5.9/10 with 17 votes
Apart from all the influences in mechanics and design, there are some direct references to Fallout in the game.

- A freak show in the city of Tarant displays a brahmin, one of the two-headed cows of the wasteland.
- Quick action by the PC can earn... more

Paul and Molly? - 5.6/10 with 17 votes
As you leave Caladon out the west bridge, to the south there is a house. This is where Paul and Molly live. They are just two nondescript villagers. What makes them an easter egg is that these two are a fan couple of the development team and have actally... more

Final Victory of the Smurfs - 4.4/10 with 12 votes
On the world map explore the coast north of the glimmering forest, just north-west of the Bedokaan village. (more accurately, map coordinates 1320W, 181S) There you should find an location marked "Secret Village"

When you enter it, you'll find a village... more

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