Blade Easter Eggs

Director's Cameo - 6.3/10 with 64 votes
In the scene where Blade and Dr Jenson are driving at speed through the night en-route to the vampire nightclub, in a side alley we are given a brief scene of a male vampire ripping into a woman's throat.

Though it is not listed in the credits, this... more
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3d Animator in Subway - 4.4/10 with 62 votes
OK, go to the scene in Blade when hes in the Subway right after he enters through that secret Fridge Passage. When he first sees the Subway blaze right past him hit the slow motion key, you'll see the faces of a couple of people. When you see the face... more
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Mortal Kombat in Blade? - 3.1/10 with 17 votes
In the part where the vampires are at their peanthouse the little girl vampire is sitting on the floor in frount of the tv. It only shows it just for a second, but if you look closely you will notice that the Mortal Kombat movie is playing on it. The... more

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