Terminator, The Easter Eggs

pic Good CPU Performance - 7.2/10 with 132 votes
T-800's own visor shows a lot of stuff including series of MOS 6502 machine code instructions.

MOS 6502 was the CPU used in famous Commodore 64 computers and it's about 1Mhz fast. So it is a miracle for such a CPU to run the Terminator :)
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pic Scriptwriter Makes an Appearance! - 5.9/10 with 17 votes
Coscripter William Wisher makes an appearance in this film. He is the hapless cop whose patrol car Terminator hijacks, after conking the cop's head on the door and tossing him aside!
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pic Sawed-Off Shotgun - 5.6/10 with 10 votes
In Terminator, Reese steals a shotgun from a police car (a little after he arrives in the past). He saws off the butt and hides it under his coat. This shotgun is the very same shotgun used in Aliens by Michael Biehn's character, Hicks, after the marines... more

pic Appearance in Terminator - 5.6/10 with 51 votes
I don't think James Cameron has a habbit of doing cameos, but he is in Terminator. Right after seeing the news of the second Sarah murder on tv she tries to use the phone. James is the man standing on the right taking a good look at Sarah.
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