Rushmore Easter Eggs

Owen Is Really Dead - 7.3/10 with 20 votes
The pictures of Ms. Cross' dead husband in her bedroom are pictures of co-writer Owen Wilson.
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Hidden Names - 7.0/10 with 61 votes
Locate the part in the film, towards the beginning, when Jason Schwartzman's character is having people sign the petition to bring Latin back to Rushmore. At one point, the actual pieces of paper with all the names are shown close up. On either the... more
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Ready Demolition - 6.9/10 with 43 votes
In Rushmore when Max is buying dynamite for his play, he shows his ID to the seller and says "Make it out to Ready Demolition, (sorry, I forgot the city), Arizona." This EXACT same scene was in Heat, but with Val Kilmer's character buying the explosives.

Owen Wilson Likes Racing - 6.7/10 with 15 votes
In Rushmore, there's a sequences of scenes showing the different extra-curricular activities Max is in. One of them is the Yankee Racers, and that's a shot of Max facing the camera in his parked racer (the drawing on the criterion DVD), while several... more

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