Dr Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) Easter Eggs

Ron Howard Wanna Be - 6.6/10 with 180 votes
When The Grinch is telling the dog (Max) to be a reindeer and is wearing that black hat,, that is Ron Howard's directing hat he wears when he directs, Jim Carry was imitating him and it wasn't in the script.
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Lots of Howards - 5.1/10 with 68 votes
Besides casting most of his family in minor roles, in a "blink and you'll miss it" uncredited cameo, you can briefly hear Ron Howard himself get a line of dialogue as a Whoville policeman right after the Grinch gets the shaver from the mayor and goes... more
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"Thinks" in Whoville - 4.2/10 with 82 votes
At the beginning of the scene where the Who's are about to elect a Cheer-mister, you see a statue in the town square. The statue is of one on the strange "thinks" from the book "All the Thinks You Can Think" (another Dr. S. story). It looks sort of... more

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