Final Fantasy I & II Easter Eggs

Trance Kuja FF9 Reference - 10.0/10 with 1 votes
In the whisperwind cove, on the floor where you must find a certain boy, there is one boy that says he wants a "Trance Kuja" doll.

Final Fantasy 9 Refrence - 7.5/10 with 2 votes
In the Water shrine, go in it and find the area with all the dancers. Talk to alot of them and you should hear some say something about the Tatarus theater and the "I want to be your canary" play which is all Zidanes theater group in FF9!

Ride a Chocobo - 7.0/10 with 3 votes
In Final Fantasy II, directly South of Kashuan Keep is a forest, and within the forest is a small patch of grass. Walk over the grass to enter the hidden Chocobo's Forest, a large field of grass. If you find a Chocobo in it, you can ride it.

pic Here lies Link - 6.3/10 with 3 votes
In Final Fantasy I when you visit Elfheim, press A on the left most tombstone behind the inn. It will say "Here lies Link." Link being the famous star of the Legend of Zelda series.
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