Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Easter Eggs

Double all profits made in one day. - 9.5/10 with 2 votes
Starting with Year 5, then every 5 years after that (eg: Y5, Y10, Y15, etc.) visit the Peak of Mother's Hill on Fall 10 between 6PM and midnight to activate a serect event called the Shooting Star Event. Make the wish to double profits (option 3). The... more

Evil 444 Tv - 9.0/10 with 3 votes
In the house after you bought the clock, when it's 4:40 (am or pm) go into the house and check the clock; if it's 4:44, then it'll work, if it's just before, exit the house for 1 or 2 seconds, then go in and keep on checking. If it is after 4:44, try... more

Secret Fishing treasures - 9.0/10 with 2 votes
In the summer, use your level 6(cursed) fishing rod at mineral beach and you can catch a pirate treasure(rare)and sell it for 10,000 Gold.

In the fall, use your level 6(cursed) fishing rod at mineral beach and you can catch an Ancient fossil(rare)... more

Meet Kappa - 9.0/10 with 2 votes
Make sure you have at least 10 cucumbers in your fridge or somewhere you can keep them. Each day for ten days, throw one cucumber in the lake near the mountain. Once you have done that for ten days, he gives you a special Blue Berry.

Carter's Secret Mushroom Plantation - 7.7/10 with 3 votes
There is a place where you can get truffles for free behind the church, through the locked door on the right. All you got to do to access it is to be friends with Carter, give him mushrooms once a day for a season or so. During fall, go to the church,... more

Tv Gifts - 7.7/10 with 3 votes
During the first week of the year, talk to the tv, and hit left, sometimes left again. This will make the harvest goddess appear for a game. All you have to do is guess whether the number will be higher or lower, and depending on how many you get right... more

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