Windows 2000 Easter Eggs

3d Text Screen Saver Egg: Not the Volcano! - 6.9/10 with 214 votes
Open Registry Editor (File, Run, regedit).

Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel, Screen Saver.3DText. Click Edit, New, String Value.
Call it "Magic" (case sensitive), and enter "C:\3dtext.txt" as the value. Exit Registry Editor.

Create New Text... more
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Minesweeper - 6.6/10 with 1919 votes
. Enter Minesweeper, and type "xyzzy"(No quotes).
2. Press the left shift key.
3. Look at the top-left most pixel on the entire screen. To see this pixel, you have to minimize or shrink Program manager, since this changing pixel resides on the background... more
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pic Teapots Are Still Here - 3.9/10 with 894 votes
The teapots in the 3D Pipes screen saver from Win95 and NT still work:

1. Change your screen saver to 3D Pipes(OpenGL).
2. click Settings
3. Change the settings to Multiple Pipes, Traditional joints, with Mixed joint type. Set the resolution to... more
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pic Star Wars Episode VI in Windows 2000 - 3.6/10 with 97 votes
To fidn the star wars episode four egg you must
1. Click ON start
2. Click on run
3. Copy and pase telnet into the text box
4. Press ok and enjoy!
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Volcano Screensaver - 1.3/10 with 1855 votes
1) Right click on "Properties" on the desktop.
2) Go to the "Screensaver" menu.
3) Go to the 3-D text screensaver and open the properties.
4) In the text box, type "volcano" (without quotes).

Enjoy! Note: this is the same egg that has already been... more
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Bill Gates - 1.3/10 with 1546 votes
1. Right click the mouse, go to properties and backgrounds.
2. Choose clouds tiled as your background.
3. Click apply then ok, and go back to the main screen.
4. Click on my computer, and then change the name to my microsoft, don't move the mouse.
5.... more
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Boss Key for Games Included with Win2k - 1.0/10 with 3240 votes
1) Start->Program Files->Accessories->Games->Mine Sweeper

2) While playing the Mine Sweeper game or any other Microsoft-supplied game...

3) Hit the ESC key and window will close.

4) The task bar will contain "Budget.xcl" instead of the name of... more
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