Gears of War Easter Eggs

Rooftops - Man on the Toilet - 8.4/10 with 9 votes
In versus multiplayer, online or offline, on the map Rooftops you can see a man sitting on a toilet (which many people believe he is going "#2", for no apperent reason). I believe it is the COG side at the beginning of a match (the teams switch sides... more
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Gears of War Cereal - 8.2/10 with 9 votes
On the Act V (the one on the train), when the Berserker breaks through the wall on the train, look at the parts of the broken wall, and its Gears of War Cereal.

Red Vs. Blue Reference - 7.5/10 with 4 votes
Look at the achievements and the achievement for tagging 100 enemies with grenades is called "Is it a Spider?" This is a reference to the online comedy Red vs. Blue in which one of the characters gets stuck with a plasma grenade and asks the same question.
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Berserker - 6.1/10 with 27 votes
In the Gears of War achievement list, there's an achievement called: "My love for you is like a truck". In order to get this one, you need to have defeated at least one berserker. This is a hint to a metal song used in Clerks (maybe its a real song, not... more

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