Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance Easter Eggs

Breast Enlargement? - 9.8/10 with 39 votes
To find this egg, you must be at the end where you have EVA with you. Go to the survival viewer and look at EVA. Next, go to her medical history, look at her injuries list (gunshot wound, broken bone, etc.). Go down until you see "Breast Enlargement".

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Skeloten Animation - 8.7/10 with 3 votes
I just stumbled upon this egg. Its not very humorous (except EVA's!), but interseting.

Any time in the game, just go to the survival viewer and go to "Cure", next, look through the x-ray thing(I believe its R1). exit out of it, then go back in it,... more

Make Snake Vomit - 7.0/10 with 1 votes
To make Snake vomit go in to the survival viewer (pause menu) and select cure, then use the joy stick to rotate him. If you do this enough when you exit the viewer snake will vomit.
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