wwe bret hitman hart the best there is,the best there ever was, the best there ever will be Easter Eggs

Bret Music Video - 5.5/10 with 4 votes
on disc 3 go to chapters then highlight bret vs diesel(wwe title match)then press RIGHT twice this will play the "you start the fire" music video from the mid 90s i think this is the best of the eggs on the dvd i have found so far

my friend in america... more

Stampede Wrestling Interview - 4.5/10 with 2 votes
on disc 1 go to chapters then highlight stampeder wrestling and press LEFT twice and an inteview with bushwhackers,dynamitekid and jack foley will play
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Bret Discusses Believability - 2.5/10 with 2 votes
on disc 2 go to chapters then highlight bret vs ricky steamboat then press RIGHT twice

Bret Discusses His Nickname - 2.5/10 with 2 votes
on disc 2 go to chapters then highlight hart foundation vs the rockers then press LEFT twice

Bret Discusses Never Injuring Anyone - 1.7/10 with 3 votes
on disc 2 go to chapters then highlight bret vs britsh bulldog at summerslam 92. then press LEFT twice and bret tell how he never hert anyone while wrestling

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