Lego StarWars Easter Eggs

Cooking Up Studs - 6.0/10 with 4 votes
While in Dexter's Diner, go to the far side of the room with the door leading to the parking lot outside.

Use the force on the black pot on the shelf and get a huge ammount of studs. You need a Sith like Darth Maul or Darth Vader, normal jedi can't... more

Jukebox!!! - 5.0/10 with 1 votes
If you go through the Episode I door, in the bottom left hand corner there's a jukebox-type thing. Use the Force on it and it will start playing the Cantina music.

Party on Kamino! - 4.8/10 with 13 votes
OK I personally think that this is pretty cool (dunno if it counts as an egg though).

1.In Episode II, after you see the clones marching, go down the hallway with the tall alien waiting at the other end.
2.Instead of going into the room he is standing... more
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Disco Party! - 3.9/10 with 27 votes
1.In Lego StarWars goto episode 2,chapter 1 along the level until you get to the part were you have to destroy the turrets
3.intsted of destroying the turrets go into the room thats right next to the force field the center of that room... more
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Dancing Chairs - 3.4/10 with 7 votes
On the first part of the level "Negotiations" go to the table with chairs. Use the force and they will start dancing with the famous Mos Eisly Cantina song when Luke and ObiWan enter it.

Another similar egg can be found in Jango Fett's room. There... more
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