Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Easter Eggs

Baten Kaitos:EWLO Xenosaga Preview - 7.0/10 with 2 votes

I found this Egg after giving the Keeper of the Star Map the Star Fragment Aquila, but it's possible that I got it merely because I had turned in enough Fragments. I'm not sure. If anyone wants to confirm this Egg, go right ahead.... more

Baten Kaitos:Ewlo Developer Egg - 3.6/10 with 7 votes
In Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, beat up to the nation "Mira". Play until you reach the garden. There, trap the essence of some Mirage Weed (To do this just go up next to the greenery on the wall by the woman and hit A when you see the... more

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