Windows 98 Easter Egg - Hearts Card Look (NOT AN EGG)

1. Press Start Button and then press "Run".
2. Type "regedit".
3. Goto: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Hearts

4. Insert a new String called "ZB".
5. Then Type "42" as String.
6. Start Hearts
7. Press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F12 to see the Cards of the others.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 1940 votes
Contributed By: Andreas MATHER on 03-05-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: MS Hearts
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

The Hearts hack at work on Windows XP. The cheat on Windows 98SE Adding the registry value on Windows 98SE
The Hearts hack at work on Windows XP. The cheat on Windows 98SE Adding the registry value on Windows 98SE

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KIAed writes:
I love this egg! Little did my (live) opponent know that I was looking at her cards. Boy did she get mad afterward! Also, this egg gave me a little crash-corse on how to use the regedit program to change things. My system may be unstable, but it's sure fun to use :)!
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Binky writes:
OK I'm not bad with computers usually but i was a little confused. I got the the make new string thing, and I did the ZB thing too, but where do you put hte 42? If someone could clear that up it would be great thanx.
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WeeZLe writes:
It's not jibberish if you know what you're suggestion is to not try this one, because you obviously don't have the knowledge or the balls. On another note, how was this found out?
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Tungsten writes:
This rocks!
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bipp5 writes:
Woohoo! This is awesome!
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Anonymous writes:
This rocks!
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Anytime you use regedit, you are at risk of corrupting your entire Operating System. If these directions seem unclear or confusing to you, then don't try it, as a mistake may cause irreperable damage. As far as the user (I'm sorry, I forgot who) who was unsure of how to set the "42", once you make the string, right click on it, and it will ask you what the data value should be, and input it there =)
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lenny522 writes:
I don't know how relevan this is, or if anyone cares, but this egg gives an insight to the sense of humor of the development team, if you pay close attention to the code-someone's a Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy fan. The "ZB" which you insert is obviously a reference to Zaphod Beeblebrox, the Galactic President, and well, 42 is the GREAT ANSWER to life, the universe, and everything. Anywho, that's my idle rambling for the day. -Dan --"Shine on..."
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ahecht writes:
I think this egg is based on Douglas Adams' book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. ZB is the initials of one of the main characters (Zaphod Beeblebrox) and one of the major revelations in the book involves Zaphod finding the initials ZB carved into his brain. 42 is the meaning of life, according to the book.
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john pepper writes:
This also works on 95. P.S. this kicks a**
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This Is the Coolest Egg Ever!!!!!!
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THE SHADOW writes:
This egg is cool!!! It would be even cooler if i knew how to play Hearts!!! :-)
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Just go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion then create a folder called "Heart".
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kacyf writes:
this is cool p.s. when you start the game and do the secret combination and see all the cards, there r white dots. Those are the cards that r going to be passed
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Kyukei writes:
Ok, I'm gonna add a bit of clarification: If you have never opened hearts, this will not work. Open hearts, make your name, maybe try playing a game or two. Then quit hearts and go to the start menu and click on Run. In the text box put regedit. It'll show a bunch of folders as if you were using the 'Explore' command. Click on the plus sign for HKEY_CURRENT_USER, and click on the following folders as noted in the directions. When you reach the Hearts directory, right click in the area on the right and choose New-> then String. Name the string ZB, then push ok. Then right click on the string(it'll be the little thing that says ZB and has the lowercase letters ab next to it). Choose modify, and then give it the value 42. There you go. Exit the editor and you're done. But please don't play around in the editor, I nearly ruined my computer before I learned what it was and how to use it.
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Matt writes:
This is so cool
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IdidntDoIt writes:
This works great! I usually win anyway, but now I can win all the time.
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tampabrat writes:
WOW Awesome! I dont know how to play hearts, but I guess it will be fun to learn Now! I dont know much about computers and this was a simple process to do.
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Dunkinbean writes:
The registery ediotr can also save your computer. I once accidently put parental controls on IE5, and gave a random password. I had to go into the registery editor and delete a string to bypass the controls.
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burbble writes:
Wow! This is great!! How did you find out this? Uh, I forget who said that, but someone said using regedit to win at hearts is stupid and risky. unless you go off deleting the entire registry, adding a simple string value to the Hearts key won't ruin your computer. But if you start deleting things and editting things, you probably will mess something up. So remember: run hearts if you haven't done so ever since you got your computer, or formatted or something, so it creates the "Hearts" folder. Then, go to that path specified. Right Click on the white area on the right. Select New. Click String Value and type ZB. Press Enter. Press Enter again and type 42. Press Enter again. Close Regedit and run hearts. Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F12 and you'll see your opponent's cards! You'll also see little white dots which specifiy which cards are going to be passed over. This is probably some kind of thing Microsoft used for testing it (lol) or it may just be some kind of cheat. Although, it does seem like it's done kind of slopily for Microsoft (lol) so it's probably some kind of debug thing :) well, I think i've gone on babbling for long enough so, thanks for submitting this Hearts will never be the same again :) -Burbble
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coldfire writes:
Follow the guys above's directions. It works. This egg is quite a good way to cheat on your friends.
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DJPowerPup writes:
Cool cheat. Now if only there was a way to do the same thing in Internet Hearts in WinME. >:-E
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Shadowphreak writes:
Hey AntiTrojanandAntiVirusgirl, it's not stupid and risky as long as you DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE and you know what you're doing... Of course I wouldn't exactly condone the cheating aspect... But what the hell, it's fun!! I'm gonna post a page soon that will provide detailed instructions and a .reg file to patch it automatically... I'll post a comment as soon as I get it online...
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Rex-X writes:
If anyone screws up their registry by using this then you shouldn't be attempting to do something you know nothing about.. secondly for those of you that do screw up your registry just boot to a DOS prompt and run scanreg /restore and choose the previous day's registry and you are good to go.
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Mindy4343 writes:
What do you do if you don't have an F-12????
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yoe writes:
Mindy4343: You buy a new one. Keyboards without F11 and F12 keys do exist, but they're really old. Since 286 machines (and if the new Pentium IV would be named in the old style, it would have been the 868), keyboards with those two function keys have been made and used. If yours is still one without (i.e. an XT keyboard), you'll have other problems too, so you better get a new one right now.
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Squawks00 writes:
You have to play the game hearts first at least once before you do this. I tried it after a reinstall of windows and it didn't work until I got into the game then exited it. If you've never gotten into the game before then the path will not exist. :)
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Wrong1 writes:
This is so freaking cool!
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CM writes:
If you don't feel comfortable using the registry editor but want to try this out, download the file unzip it and double click the heartscheat.reg file, and click yes to update your registry with it. Then start hearts and press shift-ctrl-alt-f12 Alternativly create your own ascii file named *.reg containing following: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Hearts] "ZB"="42"
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Ben R. writes:
Just pressing Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F12 will get you the little white dots, the registry hack will go and change the cards. Pretty cool if you ask me :-)
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nifty writes:
This egg rocks! I win every time now! (not that its hard with the egg on) Thanks to whoever found this one out
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getter_85 writes:
Does anybody know if this will work on other card games that come with windows? If not, does anybody know how you can do this on any other card games that come with windows?
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Picaune News writes:
You'll notice a change in the card backs. Anyway, using Regedit is not neccasarily bad, but it can cause problems. Just don't add a NoMyComp D-WORD with a value of 1 anywhere and don't change stuff without inside knowledge of the full effects of the change.
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Moondrop writes:
Wow, doesn't anyone backup their registry? Export a copy of your registry and then if anything goes wrong, start windows in safe mode, merge the old copy and your evil tinkering in the registry is fixed. Good grief. The site's spell-checker just flagged (as a possible misspelling) my use of the word "Sheesh", yet I've seen lots of real misspellings in other people's entries. Go figure.
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PoP cHiK writes:
My laptop has the HotKeys function, and when i press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F12, it activates the "shut screen off" function. How can I do the cheat when it just makes my screen flash off? I don't want to deactivate the function, but is there an alternative set of keys that I can punch to take a peek at the cards?
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this is quite a program, if you ask me. i once tried to tighten the program (i know C and BASIC) so you didnt need the regedit, just an ini that would work with the program. i put all the info from the regedit into the ini, but it didnt work! this program was written by an idiot programmer, if u ask me. dont make my mistake.
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BrazilGurl69 writes:
after entering ZB, double click on it and put 42 in the blank space and click OK.
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Billy writes:
well this is a fun one.Oh and does anyone else just read the different comments just for comical entertainment ? or is that only me?
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tokdok writes:
This also works in Windows ME and Windows XP.
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kewkiekid writes:
This also works in XP home edition.
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fats writes:
Hey, this is awesome! How come it isn't an egg?
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sam writes:
hey I did the heart look thing and it worked. I started fooling around with some of the script values for freecell. I was able to edit the values by right-clicking on any of the 4 script names called 'losses' 'lost' 'streak' or 'stype' (without apostrophes(did i spell that right?)) with editing this you can change your wins/losses in the statistics of freecell. But be careful, if you go into freecel and choose 'clear stats' from statistics, there will be an error in the script values, which will stop you from editing them again. The only way to fix this is to play enough freecell games to get your wins/losses equal to what you entered for the scrpit value. EX: you entered in the script value that you had 8 wins and 3 losses. You then chose clear stats from the statistics menu in the actual freecel game(File>Statistics) It clears the scores under the stats menu, but the script value is still the same. You now have to play freecel, winning 8 games and losing 3, or you cant edit the script value anymore. Holy cow i wrote a lot sorry bout that. But hey it might be worth it. Email me if you have any questions about this I'll answer them (unless i feel like ripping off somebodys head with a pencil sharpener >_<
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i was here writes:
how very cool. yeah, how come it isn't an egg? it's a reference to The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. pretty funny book.
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i was here writes:
i just found out this other computer doesn't have hearts. it's windows 2000 professional.
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ARK writes:
It works fine & also shows you whcih cards are going to be sent your way. And it will only let you play certain cards when you win a trick. Sure fire way to beat the other players!!! ARK
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dan writes:
This is great...I usually lose in this game. It works too in 95
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I have to say, the directions weren't that clear to me. I understood them, and did exactly what they told me to do, but they didn't work. I did some experimenting and found that ZB is the string and 42 is the data. But I still have a string called 42 with data of ZB. It doesn't seem to matter if you that extra information, though. But a word of caution: this is all you really should do that involves leaving extra data around or your system could get really screwed up.
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