Ratchet and Clank 2 Easter Egg - Dan Johnson's Hidden Picture at the Insomniac Museum

1. When you go to the Museum go to the Garage Doors
2. Unlock the doors usin your Electrolyser
3. When you unlock jump off the cliff in the middle (NOTE: Turn your camera around because the picture is at the wall)

4. (Optional) Use your Quick Select to freeze the Camera to see Dan's face!

Yes, Dan Johnson was put in Lots of stuff in R&C 2 (Even In Binary) But isn't it cool to see his face clearly for once!

Rest In Peace : Dan Johnson (1974 - 2006)

User Rating:
  5.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: Mohamed Ahmed on 11-08-2013
Reviewed By: David Wolf
Special Requirements: You must unlock The Insomniac Museum (Or going through the Teleporter at 3:00 AM) and the Electrolyser
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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