World of Warcraft Easter Egg - Bambi

1. Make your way to Grizzly Hills.
2. Make your way to Westfall Brigade Encampment but do not go in.
(It's on the map!)
3. Bambina (Bambi), Mother of Bambina (Bambi's Unnamed Mother), Flora (Flower), and Thudder (Thumper) will all be walking in close proximity to the Westfall Brigade Encampment where the ground is yellow (You will know what I mean when you get there). Also, there is a mob named "Westfall Brigade Hunter" who will occasionally spawn and shoot Mother of Bambina and do a /cheer, causing Bambina to become enraged, get renamed to "Vengeful Bambina", and start attacking the Hunter.

User Rating:
  8.5/10 with 6 votes
Contributed By: Hunter on 01-16-2009
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: Nothing except for the level to make your way to Grizzly Hills.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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The Group of Four
The Group of Four

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