Half-Life: Opposing Force Easter Egg - Gearbox and Valve

This one's pretty obvious. On the pit worm level to drain the toxic sewage you have to switch on the gearbox and the valve.
For those of you who doesn't know what this means, Gearbox was the company that made Opposing Force and Valve was the company that made the original Half Life.

There is also a Steam Vent that has to be opened. Steam is the software Valve use to sell their games on-line and also delivers updates and control of their on-line games.

User Rating:
  3.9/10 with 44 votes
Contributed By: Will on 12-18-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Half Life: Opposing Force
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Gearbox and Valve
Gearbox and Valve

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MattMan writes:
I know that Valve should be there (they made the game) but why is gearbox,they are another gamemaker company, but did they help out valve with halflife?
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Jewan writes:
YES FOO XD they developed OF.check it yo :P http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gearbox_Software#Half-Life_Series
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Lewis W writes:
this one is a brilliant egg but it kinda ruins the game play. i also found a metal crate broken open with gears in in in half life:blue shift probably another reference
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