Linux Easter Egg - The ubuntu fish...

This no doubt works in versions of ubuntu below feisty too, though I don't know how far back and it might not be ubuntu specific, it might just be gnome.

Press alt+f2 to get the run dialogue box
Enter "free the fish" without the quotes of course


User Rating:
  8.3/10 with 43 votes
Contributed By: Dan Bishop on 06-09-2007
Reviewed By: butterhoney12, racedogg2
Special Requirements: ubuntu feisty
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Screen shot of Ubuntu ubuntu 8.04 lts in vmware. click the fish to make it go away.
Screen shot of Ubuntu "Free the Fish" in action. ubuntu 8.04 lts in vmware. click the fish to make it go away.

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


koira writes:
but how do I get rid of it now?
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Quatroking writes:
This easter egg only works on Gnome, which is the desktop engine used for standard Ubuntu. I've tried the egg on Xubuntu, Kubuntu, and Kicebuntu, but they don't work. So it must be the desktop engine Gnome causing this egg.
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Adan Ova writes:
I think you could get rid of the fish with xkill. Or if you have the process pid, with kill.
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FeRD writes:
This works in Fedora 11 x86_64 as well, so I'm guessing any GNOME desktop. As for how to get rid of the fish, clicking on it sends it scurrying off the screen, but it soon returns to wander around again. I didn't detect a separate PID for the fish; it doesn't seem to spawn a process, but instead runs within the panel itself. Executing a "gnome-panel --replace" (which spawns a new panel process that replaces the existing one) seems to have once again trapped the fish, so far it hasn't reappeared.
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