MUSTEK V560 DVD Player Easter Egg - Old School Games in Mustek V560 DVD Player

There are hidden keys inside the remote control.
(no plastic button to push it from outside)

Open the remote control of your Mustek V560 DVD Player, (no screws - use a knife or a flat screwdriver)
Let the batteries and the circuit plate in place,
just get rid of the top.

Keys are easily identified by two numbers,
ex: mute = 24-21

Find the unused key numbered 5-17
(one key under mute, then one to the left)

Power on your dvd player, press the 5-17 key using any other key's button.. et voilà !

SNAKE, TETRIS and MINES on your dvd player !
have fun !

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 1 votes
Contributed By: nocivebrain on 06-06-2007
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, MorPH
Special Requirements: Something to open the remote control (kitchen knife)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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