Airplane! Easter Egg - Adolf Who?

When Airplane 2 ends, all of the credits roll, (seemingly legitimate,) until you get about 1/2 way down on the technical crew's names. One of the crew is listed as Adolf Hitler. The Zuckers are Jewish, and this may have been a snub to the Nazi leader.

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 10 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 10-13-2006
Reviewed By: Loginer, racedogg2
Special Requirements: Read all end credits on Airplane 2, the sequel
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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lalock writes:
Adolf Hitler is listed as "Worst Boy," immediately after a legitimate credit for "Best Boy."
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Cynsayshi writes:
The Zuckers do this a lot. It's a great reason to stay for the credits of any of their films, and why it's such a shame that the TV stations now crowd the credits to the side of the screen in order to run more commercials.
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stupot writes:
shouldn't this be an "Airplane 2" egg?
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