Fox Trot comic strip Easter Egg - Hidden Items Galore

In many Fox Trot comics, the creator, Bill Amend, puts little references and changing items in his strip. One example is that he'll sometime write little references on newspapers the characters are reading, like "Cartoonist to direct Jurrasic Park II." Another I've found is changing pictures in the background. In one, a coffe mug reads "I love New York" then in a later panel reads "I love SF" and in the final panel reads "I love dumb mugs." Also, Calvin and Hobbes make small appearances in the background (on books, etc.) in some strips.

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Contributed By: Anonymous on 12-02-1999
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Special Requirements: Fox Trot comics
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Egghead writes:
I've seen Calvin in two Sunday strips. He's in a coffee shop with the mom, and the high school with Paige. Bart Simpson's also in the high school.
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Antipilor writes:
I also noticed in a comic strip Roger is holding a mug and in each strip the cups picture changes to show a different football team
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Da man writes:
He's putting Calvin in his comic strips? Isn't that against the copy right?
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Nishkers writes:
I think the Bills (Bill Amend and Bill Watterson) are probably pretty good friends. Scott Adams and (I can't believe I forgot Garfield's creator's name...) are such good friends that Scott gave Jim the original of one of his strips.
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Sippan writes:
If I had made Calvin &Hobbes, I would take it as a compliment to see Calvin in another comic...
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Brie Cheese writes:
No, it is not. Only if he does NOT put a sorry or a thanx to the calvin & Hobbes guy (like he had to do on april fools day, oh, that was an all time favorite) if he did not, he has broken a law, but he does, that was a long name of initials on the April fools one. He made almost all of the comics in the page on that strip.
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rumple writes:
Egghead do you remember what date the comic strip was in the paper ?
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kornut81 writes:
On page 93 of Take Us To Your Mall, in the background when Tommy and Paige are dancing,a guy gets punched by his date for touching her butt, or something. Also in Take Us on page 95, middle strip when Roger and Ted are talking, a woman runs up and kisses a guy, and in the background you can see her jealous boyfriend, and in the background on the bottom strip, you can see Andy. Calvin also makes another appearance. I forget which book, but when Paige and either Jason or Peter are talking, you can see Calvin walking in the background. I think in the same strip you can also see Superman walking around. Alos, in almost all of the Pierre dreams, there are rainbows in the background.
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ImInnocent writes:
In the Mother's day strip from this year if you look in the background a number of very bad things are happening. There is a fire in the oven, cracked egg shells on the back of one of the chairs and Iggy digging in the garbage to name a few. Most of the Sunday strips have something hidden in them.
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Bill put a news item in Roger's newspaper that said "Cartoonist buys Space Station" on June 3rd 2001.At the picture isn't good enough to tell, but the author of "Rockwood" read it in the newspaper and made a strip featuring Bill Amend. Go to
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kane2742 writes:
This one hasn't been in a book yet but I noticed it in the paper. In the Sunday, August 12, 2001 strip I noticed Dilbert in the first frame (9th person from the right, he even has his tie turned up) and C-3PO and R2-D2 from Star Wars in the last frame (8th and 9th from the left, respectively).
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Blitz writes:
Does anyone else notice the milk in Foxtrot is called, "Larson Farms" (I think..) and it has a picture of a cow that the same type drawn in, "The Farside" (By something Larson...)
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one of them said "cartoonist wins PGA tour" or something like that. That was somewhere around october.
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Darkblade writes:
Bill Amend practically always changes things. Actually, another cartoonist, Brian Lundmark, apparently read one that said, "Cartoonist Buys Space Station" and had Bill make a "cameo" appearance as the cartoonist who lives on a space station in his "Rockwood" comic strip.
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Tony Gies writes:
"Something Larson" is Gary Larson.
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Superdude writes:
Go to and look at the picture in the background, its not much but it does change.
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Rabbitlord writes:
*blink* Iggy? Do you mean Quincy?
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kiddie_pool writes:
i'm a big fox trot fan and i found this so true when i checked it out! thanx!
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lots of cartoonists do this. the guy who draws Luanne does this constantly.
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weetaugar writes:
In His Code Name Was The Fox, there is a sunday strip from the 'Caribbeany Vacation' where they are waiying in line for tickets, and you can see various characters such as R2D2 and C3PO waiting in line along with Calvin as well as some others.
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rimfire writes:
Today's strip (2006-01-11) has Jason eating "binary soup." If you convert the binary to ASCII it says "YOU NERD"
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VanLear writes:
My favorite was "Cartoonist To Repaint Sistine Chapel"
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