Linux Easter Egg - No Super Cow Powers for Aptitude?

Although aptitude, the successor to apt-get does not have Super Cow powers (typing "aptitude --help" brings up a help screen that informs you of this at the end), it does have an easter egg.

1.Type "aptitude moo" & press ENTER
aptitude responds with "There are no Easter Eggs in this program."

2.Type "aptitude -v moo" & press ENTER
This time, the response is "There really are no Easter Eggs in this program."

3."aptitude -v -v moo" causes it to respond with "Didn't I already tell you that there are no Easter Eggs in this program?"

4."aptitude -v -v -v moo" causes the response "Stop it!"

5.if you add a fourth -v ("aptitude -v -v -v -v moo"), aptitude responds with "Okay, okay, if I give you an Easter Egg, will you go away?"

6.adding a fifth -v "aptitude -v -v -v -v -v moo") causes it to respond with "All right, you win.", followed by a crude, unrecognizable ASCII drawing.

7.putting the -v six or more times ("aptitude -v -v -v -v -v -v") answers the question of what the drawing is - "What is it? It's an elephant being eaten by a snake, of course."

8. this is a reference to Antoine de St. Exupery's "The Little Prince"

User Rating:
  8.3/10 with 104 votes
Contributed By: Joe Haskins on 11-16-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, ConCor
Special Requirements: Debian "Sarge" or above (or any other distro with aptitude)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Little Prince reference in Ubuntu 5.10
Little Prince reference in Ubuntu 5.10

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Justice writes:
Actually, with the version that I just installed (March 28, 2005) giving any more than 6 instances of the "-v" switch will result in "Go away, I'm trying to think." I thought it was interesting though. Justice
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