Nocturne Easter Egg - Hidden/Alternate Character

Go to the directory where Nocturne is installed and open the System folder. Using Notepad, open the file Nocturne.cfg Find the Line that says HeroNumber=2 I found that each number is a different Spookhouse character like Haystack, Svetlana, Ect. The current number 2 represents Stranger. If, however you change it to a 0, save and play, You can check out a female character named Gabrielle. She kind of looks lik Clint Eastwood in the "Good the Bad and the Ugly": Same kind of hat, red hair, and a poncho that flaps around like the strangers coat. She also has a unique weapon, a six-shooter that she has in a side holster. I'm not sure if this was meant to be an unlockable character after beating the game, or an alternative "hero" to select other than Stranger. Unfortunately it seems that it doesn't always work on all levels, an error message will pop up saying if it is so. So far I found it to work on Act 5 without crashing, so it might work better from there of a game saved in the middle of an Act rather than starting a new one.

User Rating:
  6.5/10 with 4 votes
Contributed By: Justin C. on 06-30-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, ConCor
Special Requirements: Notepad
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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