HP 54600B Oscilloscope Easter Egg - Tetris on Your Oscilloscope!

#1 Power on the scope
#2 Press the buttom "Print/Utility" once
#3 Hold "function bottom" (the 6 buttoms beneath the display) 2 and 3 down at the same time, for half a second

Now your ready to play a game of Tetris!

Important: If you wait to long between pressing "Print/Utility" and holding the functions buttoms down nothing will happen, so be quick!

Have fun :)

User Rating:
  7.8/10 with 87 votes
Contributed By: Svenne on 05-15-2003
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A HP 54600B Oscilloscope
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Tetris on a HP 54600B DSO Tetris on a HP 54600B DSO
Tetris on a HP 54600B DSO Tetris on a HP 54600B DSO

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pigpen writes:
This has killed so much time at work it should be illegal :)
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