Linux Easter Egg - Apt-Get and Super Cow Powers

1. Type apt-get help. If the egg is present one, there will be a line "This APT has Super Cow Powers."
2. Type apt-get moo and you will see a picture of a cow drawn in ascii and message "have you mooed today?"

You do not need root permissions to do this- just log in as a normal user.

User Rating:
  7.6/10 with 318 votes
Contributed By: Pihti on 09-04-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Apt-get is installed on your linux (in general, debian linux)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

.... super cow powers on Ubuntu 7.10
...."Have you mooed today?"... super cow powers on Ubuntu 7.10

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xavierp writes:
This works in Red Hat 9 with apt4rpm installed
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koira writes:
"apt-build" has super-cow powers as well.
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KO writes:
It worked : after the first command I got a whole list of commands, and the last thing i got was : This APT has Super Cow Powers. Then I typed the other command : This APT has Super Cow Powers. knoppix@ttyp0[knoppix]$ apt-get moo (__) (oo) /------\/ / | || * /\---/\ ~~ ~~ ...."Have you mooed today?"...
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Johan writes:
Actually, this is more related to aptitude. Try these commands, one line at a time: aptitude moo aptitude -v moo aptitude -vv moo aptitude -vvv moo aptitude -vvvv moo aptitude -vvvvv moo aptitude -vvvvvv moo
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Zider writes:
It seems to be inspired by Final fantasy XI, where there is something called "Super kupowers".
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