Debian GNU/Linux Easter Egg - Got Apt-Get?

The Advanced Package Tool (APT) is a part of the software management system for Debian. Analogous to RedHat's RPM, but infinitely more capable, APT features automatic dependency handling and much more. If you're not a Linux type, it's like Windows Update for adults.

1. Login to a shell as root.

2. Type "apt-get moo" and press ENTER.

3a. An ASCII-art drawing of a cow will be displayed, with "Have you mooed today?".

3b. If you use just "apt-get", a help file is shown with the various switches available. At the very end it says "This APT has Super Cow Powers".

Although I'n not really sure of its origin (and it's difficult to find much about this), "moo" may have started as an inside joke on, and could have carried over to Debian this way. If you look hard enough, you can find such things as news://alt.cows.moo.moo.moo and quotes like "To err is human - to moo, bovine".

Also, some have alluded that the reference to "super cow powers" means APT is able to import packages from newer releases of Debian (such as testing << unstable).

It may refer to a variant of MUDs (Multi-User Domain [Dungeon, Dimension]) called MOOs (MUD, Object Oriented). These are internet accessible, text-mediated virtual reality environments.

Last but not least, I was told in #debian on that it's just geek humor. :)

User Rating:
  7.4/10 with 233 votes
Contributed By: LunarFox on 07-18-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Debian GNU/Linux; apt 0.5+
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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From . Copyright Vincent Ramos, licenced under GNU Free Documentation Licence ()

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mgka writes:
Although using Apt to installsoftware requires root, just displaying a cow does not. Thus, you can make the ascii cow appear without needing to know the root password.
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3M-TA3 writes:
"Moo!" could have come from the dial up BBS days 'before the 'internet.' On the Citadel BBS system if you pressed the "M" key it responded with "Moo!" It was replaced with "Meet User in later versions. However "Moo" could have come from something in the CP/M operating system, which could lead back to Unix.
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Darkhog writes:
Works also on openSuSE with zypper (zypper moo), although without 'Have you mooed' taunt. Also cow here is nice looking comapring to apt one.
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