Shadow Warrior Easter Egg - Lara Croft's Cameo

1. Go into the "Dark Woods of the Snake" level and go near the end.
2. Ride the magic carpet down to the cavern that has the crystals in it.
3. Jump into the first cave entrance (the one that has a gong in the distance).
4. Walk farther into the cave and shoot the single barrel of TNT to your left.
5. The wall will explode, and inside you will see Lara.

User Rating:
  6.7/10 with 25 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 10-24-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Pictures and Videos

Lara Croft behind bars
Lara Croft behind bars

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Meister Foob writes:
Upon getting closer, Lo Wang says: "Heheheh... she's raided her last tomb"
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