Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Easter Egg - Voyager

If you look real hard at the scene when they first arrive to Coruscant.

If you look real hard you will see Voyager (the ship from StarTrek) among the other ships in the sky.

Notice it's really hard to find.

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  7.1/10 with 113 votes
Contributed By: The Trekkers on 10-22-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Movie
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Rouge2 writes:
It's true, but I saw it when the queen was in her room at the senate, you see it out the window.
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shifty writes:
I saw it too, out of the queen's window
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john pepper writes:
There's actually 2
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I saw it when they are approching the planet. It in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
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The ship you see out the window is not Voyager but the the Enterprise-E.
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lw1138 writes:
It is the Enterprise that you can see in Episode 1. Also, in the movie First Contact, you can see the Millenium Falcon in the middle of a space battle during the beginning of the movie.
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I can't see it. Can you please tell me where to look?
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Neo writes:
Go. If this many people have seen it, then it is there. I saw it. It is definitely the enterprise. What are YOU smoking?
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admiralbrad writes:
you kidding, it's done many times (the tributes are NOT INFRINGING):) OK: The opening secene has the Enterprise E (easily mistakable for the USS Voyager (similar profile, i've examined them in 3D. The ship outside the window over Amidala's shoulder is CLEARLY the enterprise D (the profile is NOT Voyager of the "E" trust a Trekkie.
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SUJovian writes:
It isn't really a copyright problem. with permission of the copyright holder, it's an homage. yes, Roddenberry is dead, but his estate still can make those decisions. The problem with the use of cross-referencing between Star Wars & Star Trek is the simple issue of chronology. Star Wars happened "Long, Long ago in a galaxy far, far away" whereas Star Trek happens sometime in the 24th or 25th century (I'm not too up on my Star Trek data). Well, maybe the Voyager crew got zapped back in time 2000 years, wound up on Coruscant, and they forgot to make an episode about it. Then again, time travel isn't available in the Star Wars galaxy, so it must've been a pretty beaten up, run-down 2000 year old millennium falcon on it's last legs. Frankly, I'm amazed it outlived Han Solo.
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SciFi_fan writes:
I'm not sure about Voyager being in TPM, or the Enterprize for that matter. But, there is a spinner from Bladerunner on one of the buildings in Coruscant, and there IS a Millenium Falcon in Star Trek: First Contact (although I have yet to find it, and I have gone frame by frame. The special effects superviser stated that he had a flight pattern of the Millennium Falcon on computer, so he just decided to copy it into First Contact. SciFi_Fan
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anonymous writes:
The USS Enterprise is in the Phantom Menace. It appears behind the Queen's head when she is in the hallway in Coruscant. Check out the link
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TrailBlazer writes:
I found the falcon also in star trek first Contact. It is viss\ible after picard says open the view screen. The falcon is hit by a green beam from the cube
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Don't forget that the Enterprise has gone back and forth in time so many times now that it could very well be NCC-1701 (think Captin Kirk time)
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shagoonanan writes:
O.K., now I've come to learn that people are going to believe what they want, but I have to clear this up. Instead of arguing over which ship is in the pic (, Go to the scene in the movie. If you watch the whole scene, what you will see is that it is TWO vehicles (air speeders, probably) moving at different speeds. A split second after that screen shot, the vehicles are separate. It's just part of the heavy air traffic. The angle at which you are watching it makes it look like the Enterprise.
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Talyn writes:
There is a Bladerunner Spinner in TPM. It was a homage to Bladerunner because they put a Millennium Falcon on one of the buildings.
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The Enterprise A IS in the shot where Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are chilling on the balcony while Anakin is tested by the council. "You still have much to learn my young apprentice." Qui Gon says. Just as the shot comes to a close, the Enterprise A can be seen flying by. It's very clear if you know what you're looking for. You can make out the distinct framework and the warp engines. Another ship is flying to the side of it though, so it's sort of obstructed.
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Ok, listen guys, I have a thought. The "queen's shoulder" pic shows the enterprise on the right, but to the left, it seems like there is a blue light not unlike the back of a warp nacelle. Interesting...
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Ptolmey writes:
What do you mean it is the enterpise? It's missing the warp nacelles and it's profile is too "flat".
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