Kubrick, Stanley Easter Egg - References to Other Kubrick Works

In the movie "a Clockwork Orange" you see two girls visiting a record shop. You see a record with the sound track of his former movie "2001, A Space Odyssey."

I've read somewhere that Kubrick always refers to his previous movies, but I don't remember the details.

jan verhelst

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  6.0/10 with 48 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 10-19-1999
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Special Requirements: watch his movies ;-)
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tlfreud writes:
Jerome Agel noted in his book "The Making of 2001" that Kubrick always has a scene in a toilet in each of his films (in 2001, of course, it is the Zero Gravity Toilet on the Moon shuttle). After reading the book, I made sure to note each of these characteristics in later films, and indeed every Kubrick film has a toilet scene. Even in "Eyes Wide Shut," the very first scene has Nicole Kidman flushing a toilet.
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shaggy919 writes:
I read the other day that in a scene in Eyes Wide Shut in which Tom Cruise is reading a newspaper, the text on the paper is actually "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" typed repeatedly, just like Nicholson's book in The Shining. Another interesting item from Eyes Wide Shut (not a reference to another movie, but it's pretty cool) is that on at least 3 of the scenes on the streets of the city, in different parts of the city, you see the exact same blue mail box. You can tell it's the same one by the graffiti on the back of it.
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WalkLib writes:
In Dr. Strangelove, General Jack D. Rippers girlfriend wears the same glasses Lolita wears in the film "Lolita".
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naregt writes:
Also in The Shining is a very subtle tribute to A Clockwork Orange. If you have the DVD of The Shining, go to 1:42:35, which is when Shelley Duvall finds all those pages with variations of "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy." Look closely, and you'll see one of the variations is "All work and no play makes Jack a dull bog." "Bog" is the word Alex uses for "God" in Clockwork. This tribute must've been intentional - the word "bog" is never repeated in the typed pages again.
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Jeff Curry writes:
In 2001:a space odyssey. one of the doctors names was Dr.Sneeze-love from Dr.Strangelove or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.
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Also : at the beginning of Lolita, a drunk Clare Quilty, wrapped in a sheet as if it was a roman piece of clothing, claims to be Spartacus.
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Also in Eyes Wide Shut in one of the last scenes, in the toy shop, the small girl grabs a big Teddy-bear and Apperently falls in love with it. After a while she puts it down and completely forgets about it. Does it remind you of something ..... have you seen A.I. It seems that Kubrick was to direct A.I. but unfortunately he died before doing this project.
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Medusa writes:
Kubrick was never meant to direct A.I. He wanted Speilberg to do it, as he thought that Speilberg would be abelt o do a better job with it, as he has more 'sci-fi' experience. he was to remain as exec prod.
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d3mize writes:
About naregt's comment about the link between ACO and The Shining: the connection has no foundation and is merely a coincidence. All of the typewritten pages were manually typed by miscellaneous members of the crew so that genuine typing errors would be generated. Therefore, the word was randomly spelled incorrectly and not intended as a reference to Kubrick's previous work.
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The doctor's name wasn't Sneeze-love, it was Dr. Andrei Smyslov.
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